O.C. politician says website in his name ‘hijacked’ to advertise pornography February 12, 2017 Callyson 179365 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwonkville.net%2F2017%2F02%2F12%2Fo-c-politician-says-website-in-his-name-hijacked-to-advertise-pornography%2FO.C.+politician+says+website+in+his+name+%27hijacked%27+to+advertise+pornography2017-02-13+02%3A31%3A19Anonymous+Wonkerhttp%3A%2F%2Fwonkville.net%2F2017%2F02%2F12%2Fo-c-politician-says-website-in-his-name-hijacked-to-advertise-pornography%2F 00
Pornography is small beer considering the high crimes and misdemeanors being the new law of the Reich. Reply
Mansoor forgot to renew his domain name registration and somebody else snatched it up. He calls it "hijacking." I'd call it "smart business." Reply
This couldn't have happened to a worse person. I hope it was really nasty gross porn, not the good kind. Reply
Pornography is small beer considering the high crimes and misdemeanors being the new law of the Reich.
Pornography is taboo in our society…… ? I guess, sorta…….
he'd better watch his plural pronouns. I don't hang out with his ilk.
Mansoor forgot to renew his domain name registration and somebody else snatched it up. He calls it "hijacking." I'd call it "smart business."
This couldn't have happened to a worse person. I hope it was really nasty gross porn, not the good kind.