
Well who else did you think would staff the Deportation Force?

22 thoughts on “Well who else did you think would staff the Deportation Force?

  1. “100% false. There is no effort to use the National Guard to round up,” White House press secretary Sean Spicer said in an email to The Huffington Post.

    “The Department is not considering mobilizing the National Guard,” a DHS spokesperson said in a statement.

    And yet the memo discussing it is right there in the article. These effin guys….

  2. Ted Nugent? Oh, right, he weaseled out of Vietnam.

    Clint Eastwood? The empty chair would probably do a better job.

    Hey, I hear Michael Flynn has some free time…

    1. Forcystus of Iselia?

      I'm sorry that's a Tales of Symphonia reference and a huge stretch but damn it I want to have this one

  3. A redneck guy at work said, at some point last year, that he would consider volunteering for the deportation force. He seems to have turned against Trump recently, so probably won't follow through.

  4. Dahlia Lithwick's in "Slate" explanation of why this surfaced the way it did:

    Whether the National Guard will be used to enforce Trump’s deportation plans is beside the point right now. What matters is how the White House responded to this story: It refused to answer when it was being reported and then trashed the ultimate report as “100 percent not true” after it came out. The purpose of that reaction is simple. It pushes the White House’s main narrative: that the press are peddling “fake news;” that the administration is rife with treacherous leakers; that everyone in the media and in government is conspiring to make Donald Trump look bad; and that the only person who can be trusted to tell the truth is the president himself.

  5. But yeah, with things changing so fast and so drastically, I think I'm just going to keep my passport on my person to avoid being caught unawares.

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