15 thoughts on “Do you know who else…

  1. On a private board I frequent- mostly Boston sports but the political stuff has really expanded on it this year-

    they post "game threads" for baseball and other sports' particular games. If it's the Red Sox, and someone started the thread and the sox win, that person (by superstition) has to start the next game thread until the winning streak is over.

    So, they've started having "game threads" for the WH press conferences because they're too comical to pass up. One guy kept starting them, someone asked why, and the answer was "it shouldn't be a surprise BECAUSE AMERICA JUST KEEPS WINNING"

      1. Yeah. It's fun to read the "game threads" on the pressers, but no way could I stand to watch them- nice to have a filter. Also nice to see folks basically treat the pressers like MST3K shows, providing funny commentary along the way. Humor helps, a lot.

  2. White House spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham responded that “claims that outlets were excluded are not factual.”

    “The pool was there, so various media mediums were represented,” she wrote in an email.

    So because they included some people, they excluded nobody? Um, that's not how any of this works…


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