I Just heard this from Frederick Douglass so it must be true. March 22, 2017 C_R_Eature 1892811 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwonkville.net%2F2017%2F03%2F22%2Fi-just-heard-this-from-frederick-douglass-so-it-must-be-true%2FI+Just+heard+this+from+Frederick+Douglass+so+it+must+be+true.2017-03-22+17%3A48%3A30Anonymous+Wonkerhttp%3A%2F%2Fwonkville.net%2F%3Fp%3D18928 +20
I have come to the conclusion that the Bush Clan conspired to elect Drumpf just to skew Dubya's rank upward in the Worst President Ever list. Reply
"Great president. Most people don't even know he was a Republican," Trump said "Not anymore!" – Abe Lincoln Reply
Teddy Roosevelt agrees. Also too: just whoinhell did Drumpf have to cheat off of to pass grade school history class? Reply
Why cheat when the right answer is always the same thing? <img src="http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.474065!/img/httpImage/image.jpg"/> Reply
I'm reasonably sure now that we didn't just get the dumbest man in the country into the Oval office; we got the dumbest person on the Entire Planet~ Reply
Right, and this is exactly why we need the expertise of | Stupidest Man On The Internet. | on this Beat. Reply
I can't stop seeing the actor's cheek prosthesis wiggle next to his nose as he talks. Beard on the chin was a bit of a rush job too, it seems. Reply
If Donald thinks Lincoln's impressive now, wait until he hears how good he was at | killin' vampires. | Reply
I have come to the conclusion that the Bush Clan conspired to elect Drumpf just to skew Dubya's rank upward in the Worst President Ever list.
draining the swamp leaves all boats in drydock?
"Not anymore!"
– Abe Lincoln
Teddy Roosevelt agrees.
Also too: just whoinhell did Drumpf have to cheat off of to pass grade school history class?
Why cheat when the right answer is always the same thing?
<img src="http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.474065!/img/httpImage/image.jpg"/>
Hah! As if the well paid educators in this country are ever susceptible to bribes!
…oh, wait.
I'm reasonably sure now that we didn't just get the dumbest man in the country into the Oval office; we got the dumbest person on the Entire Planet~
Right, and this is exactly why we need the expertise of | Stupidest Man On The Internet. | on this Beat.
I can't stop seeing the actor's cheek prosthesis wiggle next to his nose as he talks.
Beard on the chin was a bit of a rush job too, it seems.
It was for a radio show
If Donald thinks Lincoln's impressive now, wait until he hears how good he was at | killin' vampires. |