12 thoughts on “No, No, You’ve Put the Healthcare in Reverse…

  1. What does it say about us, as Wonkvillians, that a post about vomit gets more action than this, which has the potential to kill some of us?

    1. These idiots had 7 years to come up with something better and they lashed together a bill in 2 months that fails in the only measure it was supposed to be drafted for – insuring people – while busting the deficit, increasing premiums, slashing aid to States and oh by the way giving huge tax cuts to the very wealthy. It's cruel and worthless and Teh House Freedom Caucus won't vote for it because it's not cruel and worthless enough.
      If by some minor miracle it passes in the House there's no way it will get through the Senate without bursting into flames.
      I'm real excited to hear how Rep. Andy Harris (R-Club For Growth) justifies his vote at his town hall on the 31st. It's all Angry White Retirees down there.

    2. Pretty sure the ACHA is dead meat. Ryan's acting like he just wants to clear his plate for the tasty dessert of tax reform, which is the mission the Kochs sent him on. Much like Gingrich's "Contract With America," he'll be able to say, "Well, I got it through the House…."

      Of course I thought Hillz had a mortal lock on the election last year.

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