4 thoughts on “Not worry, ladies! This guy’s got your back.

    1. Feminists love to proclaim that women make only 76 cents for every dollar a man makes. These unequal results, they argue, are proof-positive of widespread gender discrimination. What they don't tell you is that, amazingly, this figure isn't adjusted for hours worked. The pay gap gets a lot smaller when you account for the fact that women work about only 85 percent as many hours as men and are responsible for only 10 percent of all overtime worked.

      Asshole, [even after you control for that shit the gap exists]. Piss off and take Ivanka "my Daddy will fight for equal pay!" with you FFS.

  1. In “Sorry Feminists,” a 2005 column first flagged by the Huffington Post that he wrote while a junior at Duke University, Miller argued women earn less because men work longer hours and choose better-paid jobs.

    “The truth is, even in modern-day America, there is a place for gender roles,” he wrote.

    So much for your daddy doing anything whatsoever about equal pay, Ivanka.

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