
When United came for the guitars, I said nothing because I was not a guitar.

15 thoughts on “When United came for the guitars, I said nothing because I was not a guitar.

    1. 350 total personnel, 7% contained.

      Red Flag Warning remains in effect through this evening for gusty conditions and low relative humidity.

      Yikes! Pray for rain and stay safe.

      The Sawmill Fire is burning on lands under the jurisdiction of the Coronado National Forest, Bureau of Land Management and the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management.

      Hey! It's gonna be rilly kewl when Drumpf ends all this OUTRAGEOUS FEDERAL LAND GRABBIN' and the states will get all those sweet, sweet empty acres of land they can spend all their own money and resources on to put out their own goddamned fires. FREEDOM

      1. Spend their own money? HA!
        Anyway, it's all over the place now. Still burnin on the mountain but fingers hit the scrub and grass around. Maybe they'll catch it the next hwy east. The MSM is blaming someone target shooting, but it was probably hippies smoking teh pots.

        1. I just wonder which greed soaked extractive industry fatcat whispered this into Donnie's ear. Trump couldn't find a National Park with both hands, profusely illustrated instructions, pre-programmed GPS and boobs drawn on them in Google Earth.

          The fire has crossed Arizona Highway 83 in multiple locations.

          Uh, oh.

          1. Well, we know for sure that Ryan and Priebus told him to slap a duty on Canuckistani softwood, so that we can slaughter our forests before they do theirs.

            Probably not a lot of old growth forest in 'sconsin anyway. Burn it down! Build stick houses in the exurbs!

          2. Apparently Drumpf will open up the Eastern coastal waters to oil & gas exploration so that the Mid-Atlantic can reap the benefits of widespread anadromous fishery and marine mammal disruption by sonar overpressures and the exciting possiblilty of a huge BP Macondo style uncontrolled blowout.


          3. To be fair, Canada is busy removing the boreal forest to get to that sweet, sweet tar sand underneath, so you don't want the timber going to waste, do you?

          4. Well, far as I can gather, he either heard the idea from Fox when Barry was declaring the world a NP, .hmmmmm or Ouday and Qusay want to shoot things whenever they want……or Secretary Exxon.
            83 is a 2-lane, grassland on the east side is grazed lightly. They probably closed it. Will annoy anyone trying to get to/from Tucson as the detours are the 40 mile sort.

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