Dufry White House

tRump put the screws to health insurance companies to extract their support for “his” (Ryan’s) health care bill

14 thoughts on “tRump put the screws to health insurance companies to extract their support for “his” (Ryan’s) health care bill

  1. Thanks. Seems like political cartoons aren't as good as they used to be (thinking of Paul Conrad, Jeff McNelly), but that was a good one.

  2. [ Well, I actually did know, I just didn't want others who didn't know to have a bad feeling about themselves. ]

  3. No, it's not a gender-specific thing. I'll be OK: worst-case scenario would be I would have to go to Mexico to get my meds.

  4. Canadadrugs.com took care of me for quite a while. They have good deals.

    Hope it all works out for you, Cally.

  5. If Medicare goes the way Ryan wants it to, I'll be looking offshore for a lot more than my meds. I subscribed to the newsletter from [International Living] about ten years ago, when I was certain I wouldn't survive bush/cheney.

    Glad to hear you'll be OK. I've got my own share of pre-existing conditions, and am grateful for modern chemistry.

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