Ivanka yes we can

“Julie Nixon looks like Sylvia Plath compared to Ivanka Trump.”

9 thoughts on ““Julie Nixon looks like Sylvia Plath compared to Ivanka Trump.”

  1. [T]his is what it’s like to be an international lifestyle celebrity on the order of a Princess Diana, but with the behind-the-scenes political power of an Imelda Marcos — she is becoming something she has never been in her life: deeply, personally, and venomously loathed. To sit in a family mansion with gold-handled forks while your father proposes cuts to a federal food program for women, infants, and children is, at best, a complicated message. It’s one thing to be a billionaire’s lucky and hardworking daughter doing her best to increase the family holdings; it’s another to be such a person working to subtract from the poor some of the few things they have — and thus the excoriating press that wounds and angers her.

  2. Mostly a good article but I am going to take issue here:

    Is there anything more bewildering, infuriating, outrageous to the coastal elite than the untroubled devotion that so many lower-middle-class Americans — the very ones most likely to be hurt, or at the very least not helped, by many of the president’s signal proposals — have to the Trump operation?

    Yes–the speed with which Donald is betraying said lower middle-class Americans. Oh, and his reckless endangerment of American national security. There's also the matter of returning to the economic policies that brought us the 2008 economic implosion. In fact, there are so many bewildering, infuriating, and outrageous things coming out of the reign of Donald that those of us who oppose him (not just "coastal elites" BTW and TYVM) can barely cast a passing glance at the annoying fact that lots of his supporters haven't caught on yet FFS.

  3. What Planned Parenthood could do is open separate abortion clinics, perhaps rebranded with a new name

    "You need a sleek new redesign! Maybe put some product in the lobby– bags, makeup, cute pumps! And the name has to be something catchy, like.. Cancelled Czech! Isn't that cute? It's a play on words!"

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