5 thoughts on “Constitutional Convention Coming?

  1. If it's happening in Phoenix in September, it's bound to produce good things. Here's a suggestion to start with:

    A well regulated Militia military under control of the federal government, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people sane adults with no criminal record to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed, but in case that isn't clear, we sure as shit aren't talking about all you loonies with 400 assault rifles and a million rounds of ammo in your basements.

    1. Who knows what a bunch of Teahadis, Christianists, Ayn Rand worshippers, alt-rightists, and possibly a few a leftist ideologues and Bernie Bros will come up with, particularly if their brains overheat.

  2. GOPers can't really be ignorant enough to think that government should abandon fiscal policy as a tool for managing the economy. So it must be more of their monstrous starve-the-beast cynicism. Matches nicely with climate denialism and assertions that our military needs "rebuilding" when it's already ridiculously larger than it needs to be.

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