
“It’s a showdown between the Strange, the addled, and the downright weird.”

4 thoughts on ““It’s a showdown between the Strange, the addled, and the downright weird.”

  1. Dear mods: need an "I" at the start of that hed.

    Thus, Roy Moore:

    "It may seem like a good thing for a court to give people rights, but there's no end to it," he said. "I'll bring up an example, for younger people." He cited a 1965 Supreme Court ruling that overturned a Connecticut law barring married couples from buying contraceptives. "The next couple of years after that, they went to unmarried couples. Then they went to children. Then they went to Roe v. Wade, they went to sodomy, and it's a continual etching, 'til now we're talking about kids being taken to doctors to alter their body parts, by parents who believe they're a different gender," he said. "We're in a crazy society."

  2. He cited a 1965 Supreme Court ruling that overturned a Connecticut law barring married couples from buying contraceptives. "The next couple of years after that, they went to unmarried couples. Then they went to children…"

    UM…Roy Moore does know that children cannot become pregnant, right? RIGHT?

  3. When I read about the Alt-Rightnik's desire for a "white ethnostate," I'm tempted to say, "Well, they could have Alabama." But then I remember that I know a lot of good folks in Alabama, some of whom are of the black persuasion.

    So screw that, they can have Alaska.

  4. No no, that's the Libertarians. They're waiter for Peter Thiel to fund the whole thing, and he's ready to do it as soon as he can get somebody to design the long-term baby blood storage facility.

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