16 thoughts on “Pill-Packing Pigeon Popped by Police

  1. We have SO MANY pigeons in our town. If I could figure out a way to make them my minions, I could rule the world laughs evilly

      1. Squab is certainly a special-occasion bird, and this easy recipe makes the most of squab's unique flavor.

        A take home message if there ever was.

  2. Whew. You were right .I shoulda given this more thought. So I went to the far end of the lot with the fewest cars, and threw some corn around. Couple a pigeons came for a look. Unfortunately , so did one car. They then drove around the lot screaming "FREE POPCORN" Things escalated quickly. People started fighting the birds for the popcorn. I said," no don't scare them., some might be carrying drugs." Bad move. Now they were grabbing the ones they could and tearing feathers off looking for the packs of drugs. One , went about 350, just sorta flopped on five or six of them, crushing the birds immediately. When they couldn't find drugs, they started ripping the birds to bits and feeding on them. One guy pulled out a pistol and was shooting; on the ground, in the air…bullets flying. I threw the bag away and ran for my car while he changed clips, only to see the car surrounded by surly kids. One said, ' how come it's not caramel corn. We want caramel. " Some started chanting , " we want caramel" and rocking the car. A few of the younger ones just started bawling at the top of their lungs. The only thing I could think of was to say ,"You know, parking lots are paved with caramel." I pointed to a some of the pot-holes . "Betcha didn't know that." Enough of them went to eat the asphalt so that I could kick the few others out of the way and start the car and peel out of the lot. Many of them followed picking up and eating the asphalt spray that I kicked-up . Barely made it back.

  3. Depending on what happens with the Continuing Resolution and/or DPRK, this sort of scenario may become much more commonplace.

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