
Photogrammetrically derived answer to the question: How tall is the Mooch, really?”

10 thoughts on “Photogrammetrically derived answer to the question: How tall is the Mooch, really?”

      1. Chopper to Bucharest
        Magnum on the teevee news
        pool of vomit on the red carpet
        I got the Gritty Cheese blues

        Zippy may snicker, but when I first moved to ABQ I was doing sound at the local punk rock dive, and I got to work the Jonathan/Tommy show, perhaps one of the highlights of my "career".

  1. They got little hands
    And little eyes
    And they walk around
    Tellin' great big lies
    They got little noses
    And tiny little teeth
    They wear platform shoes
    On their nasty little feet

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