Wouldn't it be nice to live in an America where you don't have to worry about getting shot by a stranger, or about how you'll pay for the medical care you'd need if you did get shot?
"Xi Jinping Thought
Oct 17 OFFICIAL GUIDANCE: Cadres advised to not refer to their penises as "十九大“ or "the real Party core" During 19th Party Congress activities.
Might've fit better in that thread up ^^^there.
That's a good name for talking head teevee personalities in general. And it conforms to the Wonkette Style Manual, "Warm Clothed Boner Wolf Blitzer reported today…"
Well then, there's really no point in going on, is there?
Oh, no, not at all. I'll enjoy the smug feeling that not only did I predict it but there will be far more people living hand-to-mouth like me.
Well better than living like the President, which I believe is foot-to-mouth.
Who could have guessed that Mark Halperin is a sleazebag?
And Chef John Besh, who's on PBS. Also the guy that was at the New Republic, some fancy photographer, and Poppy Bush.
Besh was the first one that truly shocked me out of the recent allegations. Like really? That guy?
Her's had his sons on his shows! He seemed so mellow.
At least I can still like Ming Tsai and Rick Bayless.
I got your Rick Bayless (& his daughter) right here:
The comments on this video are creepier than the video tbh
Well, there's a photo of him on T's airplane [ that I won't post], that is a clue.
[Moar death threats!]
srs bznz…
Wouldn't it be nice to live in an America where you don't have to worry about getting shot by a stranger, or about how you'll pay for the medical care you'd need if you did get shot?
[lifted from Twitter]
(scrolls over link, sees title)
<img src="https://a.disquscdn.com/uploads/mediaembed/images/3856/7698/original.gif?w=600&h">
Important update regarding Relevant Organs
Excellent move, comrade POTUS. Political theory teaches us that the buck in fact stops on the desk of whomever you really need purge.
"Xi Jinping Thought
Oct 17
OFFICIAL GUIDANCE: Cadres advised to not refer to their penises as "十九大“ or "the real Party core" During 19th Party Congress activities.
Might've fit better in that thread up ^^^there.
Mika wants to hear your questions
I like them.
That's a good name for talking head teevee personalities in general. And it conforms to the Wonkette Style Manual, "Warm Clothed Boner Wolf Blitzer reported today…"