Schindler also warns that many of these tapes are either crude or sophisticated forgeries seemingly designed to discredit any news organization or politician who brings them to light
The intern who has to watch these to make that determination will never have sex again. Poor thing.
There is one nekkid pic of me out there, somewhere, but I'd be flattering myself to think the woman who took it even remembers my name, let alone my features. Plus, it was a long time ago, long before the time the alt-binary newsgroups came about.
Facebook does everything with algorithms, which maintains your privacy perfectly. In this instance, however, Gary will have to review the users' naked pictures and compare them to those on revenge porn sites. In certain cases Mark may have to do the reviews. In other, very rare cases, it may be necessary to post printouts of the pictures in the employee lunchroom.
And yes I cribbed this basic idea from twitter. There's no way to find the source again, though.
Hannity's staff is frantically preparing their "Yeah well so what" response.
If and when it comes to light, I ain't clicking on that.
The intern who has to watch these to make that determination will never have sex again. Poor thing.
They should send them to Facebook, now that they've gone into the business of reviewing nude images of their users.
The fuck is up with that, anyway?
There is one nekkid pic of me out there, somewhere, but I'd be flattering myself to think the woman who took it even remembers my name, let alone my features. Plus, it was a long time ago, long before the time the alt-binary newsgroups came about.
Facebook does everything with algorithms, which maintains your privacy perfectly. In this instance, however, Gary will have to review the users' naked pictures and compare them to those on revenge porn sites. In certain cases Mark may have to do the reviews. In other, very rare cases, it may be necessary to post printouts of the pictures in the employee lunchroom.
And yes I cribbed this basic idea from twitter. There's no way to find the source again, though.
Alrighty, then! I feel totally protected!
Schindler pissed.