Cthulhu 4 U

Fill Your Brain With Horror and Nostalgia for a Time When C_R_Eature Walked the Wonk

16 thoughts on “Fill Your Brain With Horror and Nostalgia for a Time When C_R_Eature Walked the Wonk

  1. All of the best current cosmological models have a very disturbing aspect to them that no one really likes to talk about. Due to quantum fluctuations in space and time things could just pop into existence out of the vacuum. Things like fully formed conscious entities, which the theoreticians called Boltzmann Brains. Odd as it sounds, there’s nothing in the maths that prevents these Brains from popping into existence and, given enough space and time, completely filling the entire Universe. Well, if a Universe packed full of Brains frightens you, fear not: it turns out that recent discoveries have suggested that the mass of the Higgs Boson will end the Universe before the Brains take over. Whew, that’s a relief! ‘Course, if that’s what the Brains want us to think…

    Now that's good science!

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