56 thoughts on “Welp, looks like the War on Christmas has been won

    1. There won't be such articles because the MSM is part of HIllary's plot. Here's the plan: with help from Putin, she deliberately loses the election to Trump. That way her minions and sycophants at the FBI and DOJ can conduct a coup and take away the Trump presidency. It's all so obvious!11!!!

  1. Made my weekend pilgrimage to the front Page, new comment popped up referencing canned clams.
    My work there done, I left.

    1. Just looked over there and saw one post with 3,803 comments. I don't know what that means, but I hope it means great success for Trix, Shy, Dok & the gang.

  2. [Tweet of the day]:

    Sarah Lerner Retweeted Washington Post
    While we wait in perpetuity for profiles of Hillary Clinton voters who saw the Trump disaster coming from a mile away, the @washingtonpost publishes this.

      1. It was a bit preachy. One good moment is Ellsberg's attorney, Leonard Wineglass, recounting how they enlisted a psychiatrist to help pick the jury. The psych told them they shouldn't hire any middle-aged white men, because they will have invariably had a moment when they compromised their principles to advance their careers—a thing that Ellsberg wouldn't do.

        There was a statement I could agree with wholeheartedly.

        Then of course Tricky Dick blew up the case by sending the plumbers to loot Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office to find damaging information. That came out in the Watergate hearings and the judge—whom Nixon had offered a federal judgeship or some other bauble in exchange for a favorable verdict—had to declare a mistrial.

  3. I don't think so, that's just when the site became too much for me. Every post, and there are oh so many, now routinely get 1K+ comments from the new folks that followed that guy.

  4. Euro's was located next to the Cliff House. It had a great swimming pool in addition to the rink. Burned down sometime after I left the Bay Area in 67.
    There's some great natural ice up the hill from me. Crooked Creek at Crowley Lake is awesome.

  5. The whole scarp of the eastern Sierra is capable of fine ice climbing, limited only by the existence of a waterfall. There's a lot of great places in the June Lake Loop that never see the sun this time of year. Cold AF, requisite for strong ice.

  6. I bow. Ice climbing is some srs shit. I got frostbitten several times, but just doing pedestrian stuff like shoveling snow or operating heavy equipment without heat. Skiing too, back in the days of leather boots. My fingers and toes now go numb if it drops to the 50s, which is all winter.

    As a young'n, I climbed all over the cliffs overlooking the ocean in Pacifica, and down to Devil's Slide. Got rescued once, kind of embarrassing. I guess I could've gone down, into the pounding surf, but they decided it was safer to pull me back up to the Ocean Shore Railroad grade 50 feet above.

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