32 thoughts on “Doc, this is Merle. Merle, Doc.

  1. Around '74-ish – despite not being old enough to be there – we saw at the Troubadour the Dirt Band and the Earl Scruggs Revue, with Earl, Gary, Randy, and Steve, along with Vassar Clements and others. Only the sweet illusion of teenage omnipotence shielded us from the horrible realisation that we should immediately go home and make a bonfire of our instruments.

      1. Keep it up. They don't burn that well, or at least not that efficiently.

        BTW – The opening act was an unknown banjo clown, Steve Martin.

        1. In 1971, I spent the summer working in W. Hollywood. The house I stayed in was within walking distance of both the Troubadour and Barney's Beanery. I never went to either of them.

  2. Yes. Yes, it is. Command Central will have music and TV via computer, eventually. That room in the background will be a kitchen of sorts with a sink, fridge, microwave, coffee maker and a toaster. Mostly because I have duplicates of all those things and don't want to bother with unloading them.

  3. Saw that, the Plus E.
    I'm enjoying all the disparaging remarks about the Formula E racing series. Eventually, it may be the only kind of motorsports there is, but those throwbacks don't seem to grasp that possibility.

  4. I've seen/read the occasional article, but not very familiar with him. Thanks for the link, I'll delve in a bit more thoroughly.

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