7 thoughts on “A Different Spin on Ghey Wedding Cakes

  1. This is some Grade A, industrial-strength bullshit and obfuscation:

    Rather than enforcing law for the sake of enforcement alone or accepting arbitrariness, Seattle should reform the law to better serve justice. While the city’s anti-discrimination laws are fit to handle ideal scenarios, it is more important to consider the ways in which the law might be twisted or abused. What might the consequences be if one’s own worst enemy were given the power to administer it? In the case of prohibiting discrimination against political ideologies, the provisions are so vaguely written that they can be corrupted by those who carry ill intent, regardless of what the original drafters hoped for.

    Sauce for the goose, I say. Nazis can parade through Skokie too. Freedom of expression isn't a "freedom" at all if we restrict it to those who agree with us.

  2. The energy that my anger toward that person might help me power through when lifting, but I'd rather not get my workout on next to a white supremacist TYVM.

  3. Have learned that if the last 4 characters of the string before the quote, slash and right bracket aren't .png or .jpg, it won't post.

    0.71" is quite a bit of rain in your area, I should think.

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