4 thoughts on “Of Anaesthesia

  1. I must be lucky. Had GA twice in recent years, once last November, and woke up feeling fine.

    Apparently when you get 'scoped they give you something the date-rape drug, so you're able to respond and move around as directed but remember nothing. Which is just the way you'd want it.

    1. Propofol ftw. I got 'scoped a couple of weeks ago, and don't remember a thing. I totally could have driven home, too, but they don't let you. Luckily, our little hospital offers free rides to and from the OR.

      1. Imagine what it's like for the people who have to do this stuff to old coots like us. What do they dream about at night?

        Last time I got scoped both ways at the same time. I asked them if they could also give me a haircut and a pedicure while I was there. For some reason they didn't find that nearly as amusing as I did.

        1. They have to maintain some dignity and decorum, I mean look at what they do for a living! This was my first one, and since they told me I don't need another for 10 years, it might also be my last. I'm good with that.

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