31 thoughts on “What $800/mo Will Get You…

  1. An uncle who'd died of cancer left me a gift that was enough to buy some plane tickets to South America, so I decided not to sign a new lease when I left the two-bedroom, and instead to do some traveling. I'd always wanted to live a life of writing and seeing the world, and here was my chance. I did my work on the road. I interviewed sources in New York from a backyard in Colombia, muting my phone when the donkey's braying echoed in the hills. I finished a draft of a book. I hiked four days on the Inca Trail. I cranked out paid blog posts in hostels. I cracked up taxi drivers in Spanish. I wrote every day.

    This kind of undermines the woe-is-me tone of the article.

    1. Yep.
      I once got a $1200 insurance check. In my mind, I had two choices. I could either add $300 to that sum and buy a half acre, or I could buy some new skis and go to Utah. Utah was nice.

      A friend of mine with 3 advanced degrees lives in her van in SoCal, north San Diego County and sometimes Orange County. She's homeless and unemployed/unemployable, but she's surfed all around the world. Choices.

        1. I was an employee of Mammoth Mountain Ski Area. Many resorts have reciprocity if you ask. I basically skied free, so no complaints. Still wish I'd have bought that half acre, though.

  2. The author's math is crazy wrong, it's even smaller at 92.5 sqft, therefore the entire premise of the article is suspect. Russian bot!

  3. I could never afford to live within an hour of the coast again, not in this country. But here on the side of a mountain, I got a pretty good thing going for less than $900/mo, taxes and insurance included.

  4. Damn, that's as bad as it is here. If this shit continues I may have to look into the Inland Empire. Hello, Riverside County wingnuts!

    1. Too much smog in the RC. I'll bet Biff could recommend something w/better air quality out east. Political landscape'll be different too.

      1. Where I live is affordable, and breathtakingly beautiful, but jerbs are scarce. There's about a 45/55 mix of libs and cons, not hard to find your tribe.

          1. Way back in 68 when I first found this valley, the tracks still ran through it. They eventually tore them up, and a few years later some genius started pimping for a train from SoCal to Mammoth for skiers. Missed opportunity.

        1. I'm kind of that way, too. Good thing we have heating devices!
          Seriously though, SoCal has the best climate I've ever lived in. Too bad there's another 20 million peeps that think the same way.

  5. If like me you're a fan of NatLamp's first decade, you might enjoy the movie about Doug Kenney currently streaming on Netflix called "A Futile and Stupid Gesture."

    Kenney hated "Caddy Shack."

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