7 thoughts on “Possible Physics of Cuban Sonic Weapon

    1. Welcome to senior auditory citizen status. The tiny cilia in your ear that respond to high-frequency tones die off sooner than the slightly longer ones that capture midrange and bass energy.

      1. My hearing loss is quite well documented. Too much rock n roll, heavy equipment, and gunfire will do that to a person.

        Not nearly as profound as Rebecca's father, though. Nearly impossible to converse with him, which is a shame because he really has a lot to say.

        1. Sorry for that. It happens to everybody naturally as well. Often times La_Signora can't hear birds that I hear quite distinctly.

          The good news is that hearing is a complex sense, just like vision. Much of what we think we hear or see is actually created in the brain, and the brain is pretty good at recreating the missing images or components of sound.

          1. Heh. My brain can hardly fill in the missing letters hidden by the giant quotation mark at the beginning of a blockquote.

  1. You know there's a dead spot on the retina of each of our eyes at the point where the optic nerve attaches, probably by a USB plug. The points are offset from the center in different directions in each eye, and the brain fills in the missing data.

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