22 thoughts on “Millinery News

  1. Awful lot of bare arms and shoulders in that article. How unbecoming of a 1st lady.

    I was so damned glad when JFK single-handedly murdered the men's hat fashion industry. Before then, I was forced to wear a chapeau with my off the rack suits.

  2. A Google Images search for "hat weapon" isn't as interesting as you'd think, so it's just as well that Melania went with this one.

  3. Did you say Yugoslavia? The sector where the most beautiful Third Lady evah is from?
    Connect the polka dots people!!11!!

    1. "Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth, and Booth was shot by Boston Corbett. Corbett spent his early life as a hat maker, and it is believed that the effects of his early life job affected his decision-making for his future. He was considered "mad as a hatter" for going against orders when he had Booth cornered in a barn in Virginia, and shooting Booth instead of taking him alive. After investigation, Corbett was forgiven for his disobedience, but left the army and went back to hat making."

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