24 thoughts on “Obligatory According to Internet Traditions

    1. There's an interesting series on HBO called "The Night Of," which is kind of a police procedural about a smart kid, the son of Pakistani immigrants, who winds up in Riker's Island as a result of being implicated in a murder. It's brutal in portraying the casual heartlessness of a bureaucracy (courts, cops, jail, Legal Aid attorneys) that deals with criminals, suspected and actual. Hard to imagine Manafort, in one of his $3K Italian suits, being plunged into that world.

  1. I am pissed beyond belief at my home town's paper for this shit and have expressed that sentiment in several tweets. Encouraged @latimes to pick him up in said tweets FFS.

  2. Rob Rogers is a fucking national treasure. The new owners of the PG (which endorsed Saccone over Lamb FFS), not so much FFS.

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