26 thoughts on “Yooooooooooo Esssssssssss Ayyyyyyyyyy!!

  1. Whew. Let's be honest, the optics of Germany vs Japan and, even more, Germany vs England, would have just been uncomfortable.

    1. I was hoping for an England-Germany final that, one way or another, would stop one of my German colleagues from whining about a 49-year-old goal.

  2. What's really funny is the USA beat the three other semi-final teams during WWII.


      1. I'm counting on Fukui wandering across this comment some time between now and the year 2020. Unless, of course, the new Wonkville goes the way of the old Wonkville. In which case, remember, young Karen, ALL IS FOR NAUGHT.


      1. Quite well done.

        At least those damn Canucks and Quebecois are out of it. *tee-hee*

        Looking forward to a good USA-England smash up in the finals! Come on, Lionesses!

  3. Hey, I just noticed something cool about our new Wonkville. You can only upvote a post once… once.


    (shakes fist at memories forgotten long ago…)

        1. Jesus?

          Oh, wait. I mean…

          BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! SUCK IT, YOU NON 212-AREA-CODE-HAVING MOTHERFUCKER! (shakes fist again, forgetting what the fuck was the big deal in the first place…)

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