6 thoughts on “Scott Walker declares war on China, basically.

  1. Wait, so showing backbone is now basically hiding from anyone you don't like? Sounds like the opposite to me.

  2. part of our problem right now is that they don't respect us

    I would say this has been their #1 foreign policy canard — rinse, lather, repeat — over the Obama years.

  3. "Why would we be giving one of our highest things a president can do — and that is a state dinner for Xi Jinping, the head of China — at a time when all of these problems are pending out there?" Scott Walker told reporters following a visit to the Carolina Pregnancy Center in Spartanburg, S.C., on Monday afternoon.

    Wow: in one event, we're hitting the forced-birther fundies, the racist paranoids, and the faux-economic populists all at once. I'd be impressed and scared if I thought Scottie still stood a chance at the wingnut nomination…

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