14 thoughts on “Weather Underground Rises Up

  1. Wait, you mean it'll have actual science instead of yet another show where someone in the south claims they survived a tornado due to the will of god? Finally!

      1. When TWC went to ALL REALITY TV ALL THE TIME I realized a few things:

        *I watch too much TWC
        *I'm not enjoying this, or learning much of anything.
        *Cable TV isn't worth it.

        So, I Cut it.

        1. If it wasn’t for the missus, I’m pretty sure we would have cut cable long ago. The kid knows how to get his entertainment on the intertubes pretty well. The only thing I find a use for cable (or directv like we have) is for TBS for the MLB playoffs for half of october.I am line of sight from the Sutro Tower in SF and can pick up about 25 digital stations over the air with a higher bit rate that what directv give us…for free.

          1. I'm on the edge of the reception area for several Bawlmer and DC stations, plus PBS/ Maryland Public TV. Everything else I get through the Roku thingy or streaming from my laptop. More than I really use and it's (mostly) free.

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