
Football: Will It Be Another Day of Crushing Disappointment?

53 thoughts on “Football: Will It Be Another Day of Crushing Disappointment?

  1. For my team, I'm pretty sure this will be a disappointing day, though realistically we aren't getting our hopes up. Oh well, at least we beat the hated Bengals. I'll still check in, though.

    Also, is anyone planning to live-blog the not-at-all-inconveniently-scheduled Democratic debate tonight? Since I'm pretty sure I won't want to watch SportsCenter I was thinking I might check in on it.

    1. C'mon, you don't think the Steelers have a shot against Oss Brockweiler? First round of the playoffs is where my Broncos love to start planning their late-winter vacations.

      1. From your lips to God's ears, honey…

        …although I'm pretty sure it would be less painful to lose to Denver than to lose–yet again–to the Patriots.

        1. Yes, the Bronkies totqally dominated, ha ha, and will undoubtedly do well next week against Underwear Boy. BTW, has he gotten any grass stains on his pants yet? And if so, is he suing the NFL to make them pay for the cleaning/

      1. Funny thing is, the NYT had an article saying that Hillz might have been better off if there were more debates since she tends to do well in them. #strategybackfire

        1. A crushingly stupid plan on the part of DWS. I seriously doubt Hillz is happy about it- she could certainly use some facetime on TeeVee that doesn't involve BENGHAZI!1! or Bill Clinton's peen and yes, she's a good debater.

      2. I'm confused by what the knock on this night is. The football game will be well over before it starts. When exactly should it have been scheduled?

        1. This being a holiday weekend, lots of people who aren't as obsessive about politics as I am may have gone on a trip or are just in holiday mode and in no mood for the news.

          I could be wrong, I suppose–we'll see what the ratings look like.

          1. I've done so in prior years, and I know of others who are out of town this weekend. Perfect way to beat the post-holiday “oh fuck, Christmas is over and winter is just getting started” blues!

          2. Here we celebrate that the state finally pulled its head out of its ass long enough to officially recognize the holiday

          3. Heh. Yes, so many people take huge MLK weekend trips. And the parties! So many parties and family gatherings!

        2. Debates on weeknights (except Friday) draw higher ratings for some reason. Notice which nights the GOP scheduled theirs.

        3. Fortunately, the games will be over (I'm surprised she didn't schedule during last night's game). But tomorrow seems like it would be a much better night, both logistically and for the symbolism of holding it on MLK Day

          1. I 100% guarantee that if the debate had been scheduled for tomorrow night, everyone including you would instead be bitching that it was disrespectful.

          2. Then you'd be wrong. I can't even think of a reason why it would be considered disrespectful, without resorting to some vague handwave at MLK. My gripe is simply that there have been far too few Dem debates and that the ones they have done have been poorly watched because of the lousy scheduling- hold the thing on Tuesday, if there is some issue with doing it on MLK day, but I seriously doubt they are going to see anywhere near the GOP viewership numbers on a Sunday of a holiday weekend. Look at the rest of the schedule- did it not occur to anyone to maybe schedule a debate within three weeks of Super Tuesday?

  2. OMG. Just watched the Cardinals win in OT on the tape delay because I'm in Eastern Europe.
    I'm hoping I can find this game live on one of these channels but the satellite TV menu is in Russian.

    *edit* Found it! Looks like that bus driver from Rhode Island singing the Star Spangled Banner.

      1. You crazy kids with all your apps and youtubes. I prefer to watch TV like my forefathers and my forefathers' forefathers.

  3. LOL about the announcer's discussion about instructions that the refs got after last week. "DMZ zone! Keep the teams away from each other! No assistant coaches on the field!"

    I really don't think either of today's games will be as vitriolic as the one between my guys and the Satanists was, but I guess it's best to err on the side of caution…

  4. The announcers are just begging the audience not to bail. "It's not over! The Seahawks can still come back! No, really!"

  5. Well then–the Seahawks might have a chance after all.

    Edit: or not.

    OK, time to see what's left of my hospitalized team go off on the Bataan Death March. Hugs to you disappointed Seattle fans (which I hope you'll reciprocate in a few hours.)

          1. Thanks honey.Oh well–they had a much better season that I expected (or that they deserved after signing Vick, but I won't go off on that rant again.)

  6. Well, as I told weejee…

    Oh well–they had a much better season that I expected (or that they deserved after signing Vick, but I won't go off on that rant again.) Since my Penguins have apparently decided to be the drama kings of the NHL, I'll have to hope that the Buccos figure out a way not to lose the wild-card game.

    Off to the Democratic debate–I'd post something for it but I don't know how to do the sticky link. I'll check to see if anyone else does, though I realize that it's more fun to watch the GOP clown car. Have a good night, everyone!

    1. Go ahead and post something, I'll make it sticky for you. (Also, anyone with a Roku: You can watch the debate on the NBC News channel for free.)

          1. *Raises hand* Question, so I didn't know that about Roku, I found the NBC channel on there, but I don't see a news feed. Can you advise? (I have cable so I'm good, but still I want to find this elusive NBC News channel on Roku…)

          2. There's a separate NBC News channel you need to add. Just go to the Channel Store, search on NBC — you should see 3 channels (NBC, NBC Sports, NBC News). Add NBC News and then open it once it finishes loading. The debate should pop up in the top left corner. (They are already streaming the pregame stuff.)

          3. tx. Btw, do you know if the Comedy Channel is free? The other options, like Showtime, etc., list a price or a sign-up that clearly will have a price if I click through, but the Comedy Channel doesn't. I'm a little afraid to click through and get some new charge on my card.

          4. I'm pretty sure anything you click in there will not have an extra charge. Worst case, they will ask for your cable sub login. Email me if that happens, okay?

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