13 thoughts on “Awshit.

  1. "It's the largest number of dead birds [Eagles – ed] found at one location on a single day that I know of," said Glenn Therres, a former Maryland bald eagle biologist.

    Probably an accident, rather than deliberate targeting of the eagle population. Likely some asshole landowner laid out a bunch of poisoned bait to off the local rabbit, fox or coyote population and the dead ones were eaten by the eagles.

    Blue-Green Algae toxin and Clostridium botulinum poisoning season is in High Summer, where the water temps are way high. I don't know of anything else natural that can kill off a lot of birds.

    I'm furious, of course. There's lots of baldys around now, they nest all around the islands and creeks here – but it's always a joy to see these magnificent birds and something I'll never get tired of.

    The Eastern Shore: Maryland's South Carolina.

  2. Mass poisoning? Fuck these people. They were already planning to kill animals which is bad enough. Add on killing endangered species even in an accident? Disgusting.

        1. Yeah, I see enough Gadsden Snake and Stars 'n Bars stickers on huge filthy pick-up trucks here that I know it's true.

          I did get yelled at in Virginia Beach for being a "Yankee", one time, because I had Maryland plates. Go figure.

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