7 thoughts on “GOP web-site completely omits name of their standard-bearer

  1. And now there seems to be talk of Trump not being the actual nominee once the convention comes around.

  2. Also too, his own campaign is terrified that he will blurt out on twitter whoever ends up getting picked as VP because they have absolutely no ability to get him to cooperate with the people he hired for his own campaign, which is hilarious.

  3. This is particularly amazing because the Trump campaign, or rather “campaign” is relying on the RNC to do the things campaigns usually do themselves, to essentially be their campaign structure. The fact that the Republican leadership, or rather “leadership,” is supporting Trump has gotten a lot of attention; the funny part is that they think they can also pretend it isn’t happening.

    <img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/xT9DPlQR6ZTZFj3exi/giphy.gif"&gt;

  4. Also too, I couldn't resist visiting gop.com. Included in the "Trending" sidebar:

    Clinton Email Scandal
    Republican Leadership Initiative
    Official GOP Store
    Pint Glass Set
    George H.W. Bush Socks

    George H.W. Bush Socks?!?

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