I'm not liking the results so far, apparently the numbers have been much better than expected for leave. Still super early though so some surprisingly good results in other places can easily offset that.
Sitting here in France, it being too close to call is a little nerve-wracking. Although I'm also thinking "screw those ungrateful bastards, let 'em go."
I saw that too. Talk about a swan dive! Yeikes. The Brits had better hope the Stays have it, or they are going to take a major beating in the market tomorrow (and very likely for some stretch in the future too). Of course, the euro would also suffer too.
I heard an analysis on one of the (Public) radio shows today which stated that it would take years to unbind Britain's economy from the EU. Brussels has every incentive to make that process as prolonged, bureaucratic and painful as possible, both to dissuade "leave" votes from other members and to punish the Brits. So, yes, things would be chaotic and awful for years.
My thought is: what did the Brexit people expect would happen?
I think I'm going to roll our my "Get Your Ass to Mars" Ad campaign right after the November election.
Far as I can tell, they expected those scary immigrants to stop immigrating (which is ridiculous, because they won't have a youge, classy wall). Beyond that, I'm not sure they thought the rest through at all. The leap-first-figure-out-the-strategy-on-the-way-down approach reminds me of a certain segment of American voters, though.
I was watching the Sky News live feed on Roku just now, and they had some breakdowns of exit polling — apparently colllege-educated Brits favored Remain by a WIDE margin, and the older the voter, the more likely they were to vote Leave.
The duck living on my pond had babies int he spring and now I have Mama Duck and five very loud Teenage Ducks living behind my house. Would you like me to record the noise? It's very similar, but times 6.
|Will they or won't they?|
I'm not liking the results so far, apparently the numbers have been much better than expected for leave. Still super early though so some surprisingly good results in other places can easily offset that.
Sitting here in France, it being too close to call is a little nerve-wracking. Although I'm also thinking "screw those ungrateful bastards, let 'em go."
How painful would the Brexit be? Some are more positive than I would think they should be: http://www.thelocal.fr/20160623/would-brexit-be-g…
We shall see what happens.
Here's the BBC, saying that it's only a diff of 9,609 votes right now and it's early counting, so I don't think that means anything quite yet. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum…
49.5% to 50.5%, advantage Leave. Well, that ain't good.
376 of 382 local authorities still to declare, with a total estimated 67.25% turnout , so it's still early yet.
| Willya Wontya? |
Midnight GMT and the NYT has "stay" up 53 to 47%
Also, some crazy shit happening to the Pound.
I saw that too. Talk about a swan dive! Yeikes. The Brits had better hope the Stays have it, or they are going to take a major beating in the market tomorrow (and very likely for some stretch in the future too). Of course, the euro would also suffer too.
I heard an analysis on one of the (Public) radio shows today which stated that it would take years to unbind Britain's economy from the EU. Brussels has every incentive to make that process as prolonged, bureaucratic and painful as possible, both to dissuade "leave" votes from other members and to punish the Brits. So, yes, things would be chaotic and awful for years.
My thought is: what did the Brexit people expect would happen?
More importantly: can we sucker the ex-confederate states into leaving?
I think I'm going to roll our my "Get Your Ass to Mars" Ad campaign right after the November election.
Far as I can tell, they expected those scary immigrants to stop immigrating (which is ridiculous, because they won't have a youge, classy wall). Beyond that, I'm not sure they thought the rest through at all. The leap-first-figure-out-the-strategy-on-the-way-down approach reminds me of a certain segment of American voters, though.
This tweet from a few days ago sums it up nicely:
THE ENTIRE GODDAMNED WORLD FROM LIKE 1583 to 1997: u don't say
I'm glad we haven't completely cornered the market on idjits
It's more competitive than you might think, at first.
I trust every single news network is using this as their bumper? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqH21LEmfbQ
would you trust one who didn't use it?
welp, you just saved me from having to post that, lol
I'm seeing them talking about how leave is now a slight favorite. Come on, London, pull this one out for remain.
I was watching the Sky News live feed on Roku just now, and they had some breakdowns of exit polling — apparently colllege-educated Brits favored Remain by a WIDE margin, and the older the voter, the more likely they were to vote Leave.
London does seem to have come in strong for IN.
We finally got some good news tonight!
| I can't make this work | on the Guardian site and now I am sad.
The duck living on my pond had babies int he spring and now I have Mama Duck and five very loud Teenage Ducks living behind my house. Would you like me to record the noise? It's very similar, but times 6.
Yes, that would be very helpful.
I do owe you a Cephalopod Week gift
(Said in my best clueless, self absorbed American voice) so how would exit affect us?
It may mess up our tv shows filmed there (like Game of Thrones). PANIC!
If they leave Europe, they're not gonna want to crash at our place, will they?
Ew, they eat baked beans for breakfast. I bet they are TERRIBLE houseguests.
send them to Philly, they'll fit right in with the Bros™
Two words: Jellied Eel.
Does that also cause flatulence or is it more of an eel-breath thing?
That's hard to know, because it goes along with all the binge drinking and Football Hooliganism.
But I'm betting both.
I like the guardian's live map, with the hexagons. Makes me think it's all a D&D game!
Avalon Hill or GTFO
<img src="http://cdn.themis-media.com/media/global/images/library/deriv/740/740361.jpg"/>
How many hexagons is the Sudetenland?
Good choice of yellow for remain %
<img src="http://www.funnytheworld.com/2009/Feb/peers.jpg" />
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/X0rfFax.gif"/>
<img src="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ce/11/77/ce1177f467858b2830ae3309268d7ac5.jpg" />
<img src="https://67.media.tumblr.com/05b47903016e8ad9e53f62751c7e2d14/tumblr_n00op8RGsD1r5jv7ho1_500.gif"/>
<img src="http://www.bbc.co.uk/staticarchive/b4b4ff7ddd0592c7b010e17aa00399630c9bf524.jpg" />
HA perfect!
<img src="https://s3-ak.buzzfed.com/static/2013-10/enhanced/webdr06/11/22/anigif_enhanced-buzz-6695-1381546301-6.gif"/>
<img src="http://boredbug.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/charles-carrot.jpg" width="221" height="365" />
He will lead them to greater glory.
<img src="http://dailypicksandflicks.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Prince-Charles-Photoshop-Challenge-meme-vs-Chubby-Bubbles-Girl-meme.jpg" />
You wonder how the United Kingdom can get through a travail like this without Tweety or Wolf Blitzer.
Oh wait, they have Piers Morgan back, plus that "royal watcher" asshole whose name escapes me now. He's a tweaker, too. Richard something….
Was he the one who got arrested for getting blown in a park?
European Community standards would have made that legal.
I believe having his belt around his neck would still have been a fashion felony in the EU.
"Richard Quest." Even his name is bullshit.
52.5% LEAVE! well over 1.3 mil
| Hello, I must be going. |
NYT is showing 50.5% stay—pardon me, "remain"— as of 6:31 PST, based on 53 out of 382 "counting areas." So quaint, those Brits.
Josh Marshall at TPM commented this afternoon [ http://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/my-thoughts-o… ]
He refers to an interesting article in The Irish Times by Fintan O'Toole [ http://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/uk/fintan-o-… ]
suggesting (among other things) that the UK itself could split apart over this.
This came after John Judis had written earlier about Jeremy Corbyn and Labor. [ http://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/brexit ]
I'll leave it to those more familiar with the UK and the issues than I …
"Craven votes out" is my favorite thing so far.
My preferred method for bad-night result watching involves a 3DS at this point.
Meanwhile, I learned that the UK has an academic named Rob Ford, and that is a very unfortunate name.
wow, us instant gratification Americians would have a fit if the Nov stuff took this long here. Shades of 2000 (shudder)
Seems like the UK learned how to count from California!
That was uncalled for, senator.
I believe they have to count in stones and pence, so it's complicated.
How many "hands" did Remain get?
Twelvety-frumpteen, so far!
Long live the Imperial Gallon!
Wow, Scotland's one big sea of Remain. Not surprising, as they had a chance to GTFO already.
Remain in the lead by 31,002 votes
84 #EUref results in – Experts 2,877,575 (50.01%) / Bloke in the pub 2,876,697 (49.99%)
Why is the BBC's results map using the colors of the Swedish flag?!? http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum…
Why not trëi a holiday in Sweden this year?
Our GOP probably TMed the color red.
Heh. I just realized it's the colors of the EU.
Meatball Envy.
Herring envy.
| TSOOL | envy.
Ohhh…you had to say herring (runs to store)
I'm going to eat dinner and grind a mirror for half an hour. This is like watching paint dry, but with funny commentary from you all.
"Grinding the mirror"–is that what the kids are calling it these days?
From same model as earlier
Predicted probability of Britain Remaining: ~0
BTW, in case of Brexit, Spain's made it crystal clear that they're going to immediately begin the legal process to reclaim Gibraltar.
Of course, They were the first | to vote Stay, by 96% |
Seriously? Crikey.
This is going to be ugly for a long time.
Where will the fleet get its coal?
Leave is now leading by 191,000
It's like watching a drunk kid drive his dad's new car into a lake.
Indeed. good god, now leave is leading by almost 300,000. WHAT THE HELL, BRITAIN?
Rhondda Cynon Taf
Remain 53,973 (46.30%)
Leave 62,590 (53.70%)
Leave maj 8,617 (7.39%)
Electorate 172,877; Turnout 116,563 (67.43%)
Help me Rhondda?
bhow bhow bhow bhow
Leave leads: 315,919 REALLY, WHAT THE FUCK, BRITAIN?
Marx thought the workers of the world would unite, forgetting about nationalism. We're all just a bunch of parochial fucks.
Turned out it was the yobbos who united.
<img src="http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/139/312/b8a.png" />
Allow me:
<img src="http://laslow.net/reactiongifs/Batch01/cringe.gif"/>
Excellent choice.
Oh Sigourney!!!
"I have ONE JOB…"
Waiting for results from Three Cocks, Powys.
No results.
I hate when that happens.
William of Normandy!!!!!
Nevah Forgeth!!!
Norman 1066
lol WIN
that bastard…
He was so fat when he died he wouldn't fit in the Royal Coffin. When they tried to stuff His Majesty in, he exploded.
True story! It's on the Google!
See, the metaphor works [?] If Tom Friedman or David Brooks writes an analysis of the vote
"If"? Pretty sure they've each got a column cued up for either eventuality. "It was inevitable…":
Dover has not reported its results yet. They are expected to arrive 1 hour ago.
I thought they were the pros
Britain is going to be so hung over tomorrow.
…and waking up in the bed wondering, "How the fuck did I get here?"
and broke…
<img src="http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/118/752/672.jpg" />
Holy shit, that looked frightening on the ID recent comments page
More than half the districts in and Scotland has given all they can. Not looking pretty for Remain
The Pound is at its lowest value since 1985.
<img src="http://gif-finder.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Ship-Accident-Drunken-Sailor.gif"/>
Welcome to paying the Stupid Tax, Britain.
Nigel Farage is a horrible person.
Nigel Farage said Leave had won the #euref "without a shot being fired"
Well, you know, except Jo Cox, who died because of a gunshot.
"What an asshole" doesn't seem enough.
I'll work on it.
The commentator on BBC online is talking about how UKIP has taken over the Conservative party, hmmm… sounds vaguely familiar…
<img src="https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4M6DxQ_0XDwUSktiIqwV8g64xs1DRjx71kPA5FtgJLwiGIxKL3g" width="246" height="144" />
Nice reminder that letting bigotry go unchecked leads to these sorts of results.
Well, this will have to do:
<img src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/cedbf678eb76d5aa501c495412e45d50/tumblr_nlqgiyMfj41u0k6deo1_400.gif"/>
Oh, they're really in for it now.
<img src="http://laslow.net/reactiongifs/Batch01/don't%20panic.gif">
<img src="http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/912/732/fcb.gif" />
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/rwNqqt7.gif?noredirect" />
I'm not saying that we should panic, merely that we should make preparations to panic.
Some UK voters were under the impression that Brexit is a breakfast cereal with laxative properties.
I guess you could say those voters were full of shit.
or not
They were before the laxatives!
Considering some of their breakfast foods, I can see why it is so appealing.
<img src="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/09/86/13/09861323a54353914eced92ad1baac41.jpg" />
Even the Zimbabwean dollar is up against the pound, apparently
This would be a good time to swoop in and buy all their cheese, right?
Assuming there's ever a bad time.
That's Rock Bottom™
What? Don't they have hyperinflation or something?
I think so. Somehow the pound lost 10% of its value in the course of 4 hours though!
In a time like this, only a manga called "Lesbian Dragon Maid" (not even kidding) can save us.
<img src="http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/039/130/d29.png" />
I found it while picture-searching tonight but I know what I'm looking at next time I get a chance!
Worth a try.
The current map of results looks kinda like this [ okay, squint a little bit ]
<img src="http://marinediscovery.arizona.edu/lessonsF00/tube_worms/anglerfish.jpeg" width="400" height="400">
I can see it.
you've been snooping in C_R_Eature's photo folder again, haven't you?
Thought that looked familiar.
One of the neighbors.
We prefer the term 'Aquatica'
The British pound is now worth $1.34.
[ checks flights ]
So, now would be a good time to stock up on things like "jellied eel"?
<img src="https://67.media.tumblr.com/a225ecbc2320a614827d06cd37a71560/tumblr_nw6cb36B5b1rpduwho1_500.gif"/>
Antiderpomeme lives in France, I wonder what she will have to say about this result.
[see above]
BBC is calling it for Leave.
It's getting serious, closing in on 13 mil
They're saying that the Remain side can't catch up.
they may be right- ka boom tomorrow when the markets open
Might be time for a vacation in London.
Actual view of Nigel Farage
<img src="http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/030/525/629.jpg" />
Not facist enough.
<img src="http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/732/576/89f.png" />
Neither is this but this is the other find.
Needs a gif of a friendly face removing a mask to reveal a fascist face.
But for fascism I think this works
<img src="http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/083/979/51b.gif" />
<img src="https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s–WxtTYzRV–/blmshtzgx9u9rphnlqoa.gif"/>
Sinn Fein is now calling for Irish reunification. Bet Scotland is going to ask for a do-over soon.
To be fair, hasn't Sinn Fein been calling for that forever?
Edit: also: yeah, Scotland really got a shit sandwich, voting to stay with GB and now…this
<img src="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/23/48/b7/2348b7b4d76001c497a5f26ef6d617bb.jpg" />
The Brexit pundits on the BBC sound and look like they are trying to convince themselves.
Just like the rest of us.
Northern Ireland has not reported its results yet. They are expected to arrive 46 minutes ago.
Wow. I can think of country that doesn't get to crack jokes about US & Trump anymore.
Haha, True. #UPSIDE
The Remain pundit on BBC online is sounding very sad and saying this will be catastrophic.
<img src="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ed/07/f4/ed07f487195684f1ba865fe7e4156890.jpg" />
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/8UwrV.gif"/>
<img src="https://media3.giphy.com/media/twQWKsPPM7F96/200.gif" />
<img src="http://cdn.images.dailystar.co.uk/dynamic/1/photos/139000/Sinkholes-Britain-308139.jpg" height="00" width="200">
<img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/10SecPTSHue83m/giphy.gif"/>
<img src="http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q114/charlesfrith/disaster.gif" />
What this, then?
<img src="http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/009/108/a87.png" />
Remain needs to win the remaining districts by about 21 points on average to come back. Yeah, this is over.
OK, I ground another 8cc of glass out of the mirror, I have my picked herring, and I'm ready to embrace the future!
Livin the dream, dude.
So I'm thinking tomorrow we'll be hearing from Trump about how the US should leave the EU as well.
Sounds about right- along with him saying that Hillz plan to keep us there is just an extension of Bamz' failed policies.
That'll work on a lot of people.
Fuck. I could have made a fortune shorting the pound this week.
<img src="https://breathewriteshinedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/teeki-hot-pants.jpg" width=" 250'="">
So far, looks like N Ireland and Scotland could leave the UK, Dutch agitating to also have vote on leaving EU, expect more.
<img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/3YVz4GIrZ9A1a/giphy.gif" />
Swabia is next.
Jesus, this could get ugly
At this point half of the UK is probably going to want to sleep for 7 years.
<img src="http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/085/039/5a8.png" />
<img src="http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj43/azlezoo/Sillies/disaster.gif" />
Well, usually, but there are exceptions
<img src="http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/990/796/feb.png" />
I just noticed that the presenter on BBC Online is wearing a shark pattern tie. Maybe not the most appropriate choice for this evening.
Oh the shark has…pretty teeth dear…
| Kent Brockman's Take |
1300 C.E.
<img src="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f6/b4/c3/f6b4c3c9c5faaca58f0f19566617ca01.jpg" width="400" height="400">
"It was fun while it lasted"
J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling 1h1 hour ago
J.K. Rowling Retweeted Joti ⚡
I don't think I've ever wanted magic more.
David Cameron: the UK's very own James Buchanan.
Heh, guess what. UKIP is already breaking promises that they used to push Brexit: http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/06/nigel…