Why So Many People Think Madonna Is the Antichrist June 23, 2016 chascates 1186911 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwonkville.net%2F2016%2F06%2F23%2Fwhy-so-many-people-think-madonna-is-the-antichrist%2FWhy+So+Many+People+Think+Madonna+Is+the+Antichrist2016-06-24+00%3A01%3A08Anonymous+Wonkerhttp%3A%2F%2Fwonkville.net%2F2016%2F06%2F23%2Fwhy-so-many-people-think-madonna-is-the-antichrist%2F 00
I was gonna say, if Madonna is the antichrist, she blew it. She should have been wreaking havoc back in the 90s when she was still relevant Reply
<img src="https://todayinmadonnahistory.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/waynesworld-2.png" width="400" height="400"> Reply
OT RIP Ralph heading to that big jam session in the sky http://www.wcyb.com/news/ralph-stanley-dead-at-th… Reply
sounds like so many people have way too much time on their hands.
I thought Beyoncé was the antichrist these days. Keep up with the trends, nutbags!
I was gonna say, if Madonna is the antichrist, she blew it. She should have been wreaking havoc back in the 90s when she was still relevant
All I know is: | Michael J. Fox is the Anti-Elvis. |
God bless Mojo
<img src="https://todayinmadonnahistory.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/waynesworld-2.png" width="400" height="400">
RIP Ralph
heading to that big jam session in the sky
Aw geeze.
O [Death]!