25 thoughts on “Regrexit

      1. Zip, this is in response to your question about which browser – this comment is the only one that's not greyed out for me to reply to.

        I am using Chrome.

        That said, I think I figured out the problem: I deleted a comment but it happened just as you were also responding to Cally. That comment said, "Comment deleted by user" but now the comment is gone entirely. So my guess is my deleting the comment somehow borked the thread. The comment I deleted was that image I pasted below. My original post was huge and I didn't having my re-sizing software open yet, so I deleted temporarily. Apparently that wasn't a good idea.

        1. Maybe- I saw the new photo. weird that mine isn't borked

          ETA my reply to your deleted post is still visible in ID and in the dashboard

    1. Is anyone else having technical problems with ID today? I am responding to Cally here because this is the only "reply" option in this thread that isn't greyed out, and it also won't let me post a new comment at the bottom. When I sign out and sign back in, it gives me various configurations of greyed-out "reply" buttons and always no new comment box at the bottom. (unless of course I have been banned from comments, which we don't allow anyway.)

      1. Mine's fine today, sometimes I have to log back in and I get a reply button something like "reply/span" that looks fake, but is legit.

        1. There's a comment of yours I replied to in the "OKKolob" story, neither of which show up in the thread. There is some oddness about.

    2. Replying to my own comment because it's the only one not grayed out. Having the same problem Close Read describes below. Mods, is this something you can fix? If not, is there someone at IntenseDebate we can contact?

    3. Replying again to my own comment: the "Ladies, he's single" story isn't having the same technical problem this post is having, so this might be a one-time thing, with luck. Thanks Zippy for getting back to me earlier!

  1. The crazy right wingers of Britain are out in force today telling everybody that their reasons for voting out are not-at-all racist (but foreigners are taking we jerbs!) and that all of the reports UKIP inability/unwillingness to keep the Brexit promises are just lies by that gosh darned liberal media. See, the US isn't the only place with willfully ignorant angry idiots. Hurrah?

    1. One of the many, many articles on this subject that I've viewed, read, scanned or ignored said that the UK has a more homogeneous, less-non-white population than the US. So perhaps the spreading visibility of turbans, curry, dreadlocks, hijabs and other non-traditionally-English cultural totems is more disturbing there than it is here, even if most are the relics of empire.

      The US was created as a diverse society, however unjustly at the outset. and has had many waves of immigration over the years: "Give us your tired…." etc. England perhaps has never had that idea as part of its national identity, at least not since 1066.

      I'm not trying to defend racism here, just trying to empathize with folks who see their national identity expanding in new directions and don't like the feeling. Italians feel something similar, and did even before they became the vanguard recipient nation of the migrant crisis, or so my in-laws say. ¡Oprima dos para Inglés!

  2. Even if, do they honestly expect anything more from continued EU membership beyond about two decades of intense side-eye?

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