Peggy Noonan, great writer. You doubt that? Behold this evidence:
Here is a truth of life. When you act as if you’re insane, people are liable to think you’re insane.
Mr. Trump would care about that if he cared about that.
It must be said that all this is so strange on so many levels.
We’re going to have to make our way through it together.
Here's a better link to avoid WSJ firewall:
Manuel, à la boîte de vin!!
That be a perfect image for poor, despondent Pegeth.
Weird. When you get to the part about Hillary, it makes you doubt her impression of tRump.
Peggy Noonan, great writer. You doubt that? Behold this evidence:
That doesn't seem quite iambic pentameter.
I thought that was just how she dragged her foot while walking after downing (the first) five drinks.
Some men find that attractive.
You know what they say, earth girls are easy.
“Kakistocracy,” from the Greek. It means government by the worst persons, by the least qualified or most unprincipled.
Thanks, Peggy Noonan. We like words.
And the British Empire was fond of khakis. Coincidence?
and gin
So many coincidences to contemplate these days.
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