Ever-Petty Dick Cheney Once Complained That Donald Rumsfeld Drank Too Much Coffee August 6, 2016 AntiDerpomeme 130417 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwonkville.net%2F2016%2F08%2F06%2Fever-petty-dick-cheney-once-complained-that-donald-rumsfeld-drank-too-much-coffee%2FEver-Petty+Dick+Cheney+Once+Complained+That+Donald+Rumsfeld+Drank+Too+Much+Coffee2016-08-06+20%3A34%3A44Anonymous+Wonkerhttp%3A%2F%2Fwonkville.net%2F2016%2F08%2F06%2Fever-petty-dick-cheney-once-complained-that-donald-rumsfeld-drank-too-much-coffee%2F +10
I guess in the pre-Starbucks era, spending a lot on coffee was odd. Still seems churlish to complain about it… …what am I saying, this is Dick Cheney we're talking about. Never mind! Reply
Back with Nixon, the last repub prez to not totally fuck over the budget. Would that Cheney was so frugal the second time around. Reply
And it benefited him so directly and blatantly. Shoulda sealed him into his man-sized safe and cut off the oxygen, but of course by that time it was already too late. Reply
I'm not sure if I should warn you about reading the comments…
"Factcheck is known for being leftist…"
Comic gold!
It was for enemas.
That selfless patriot, Dick Cheney, has always tried to protect Americia from its enemas.
I guess in the pre-Starbucks era, spending a lot on coffee was odd. Still seems churlish to complain about it…
…what am I saying, this is Dick Cheney we're talking about. Never mind!
Back with Nixon, the last repub prez to not totally fuck over the budget. Would that Cheney was so frugal the second time around.
And it benefited him so directly and blatantly. Shoulda sealed him into his man-sized safe and cut off the oxygen, but of course by that time it was already too late.