24 thoughts on “Hillz to Take Down Alt-Righties

  1. Man, cats might be jerks, but they are certainly not horrible racists. My cats are incensed at the libelous meme.

    1. They claim to be great at memes but are really terrible. I remember when r/thedonald got destroyed in a meme war with r/sweden, of all places.

    1. I sorta wish Hillary hadn't engaged them though. Forgive me, but I think Kellyanne was right, people want to hear about the issues. Not that Donald has anything to say on the issues, of course.

      1. I see your point, but at the same time I think this needed to be said. If they were only among the TrumpPenceZees, sure, but now that they are inside his hot mess of a campaign I'm glad she's calling them out.

        Also, IIRC you're in Nevada? Guess whose phone bank is calling that state?

        <img src="http://cache2.asset-cache.net/gc/483287926-nevada-blue-state-icon-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=%2BLhWJIfatrv8kU8zWD8CcdNdr5oagEH6yMwpPte5cMutrVbimO4J8s%2BZnhAcX1xS"&gt;

        1. I spend as little time as I can in NV, but that's where I vote, and my phone has a 775 area code. If I knew it was you calling, I'd probably answer! I get lots of calls from other states, and I ignore them all. Nothing I hate worse than push polls. Also, I hope this is my last election as a NV "resident". I'm much happier at my CA digs. Duh.

      2. If people wanted to hear about the issues, Donald Trump wouldn't be anywhere near competitive in this election.

          1. When like 40-45% of the country is willing to vote for a man who is running completely on bigotry, he's competitive enough to be a huge problem that needs to be covered.

          2. Yeah, I guess even I'm not in denial enough for that not to be a problem. Those people were already here, they just found their mouthpiece.

          3. I have to believe that.

            Back in the 80's, I had two bumper stickers. One read "I LOST IT" (in response to all the ones that read "I FOUND IT", and "THE SILENT MAJORITY IS NEITHER". Wish I still had them both.

  2. The alt-right is one of the most disgusting groups of people on the planet. They want "those people" to go back to "their place".

  3. I imagine most of these keyboard commandos are relatively young with little real world experience. The idea that a government can be run like a business, more especially like a privately-held business is ridiculous and unworkable. Our nation is not an isolated homogeneous state like 15th century Japan. To the concept of a monarchy you might be ruled by a Queen Victoria or a Henry VIII. And who's to say installing an Elon Musk as dictator won't mean he wouldn't turn into a Pol Pot.
    They have as much chance of getting their imaginary utopia as the Christian Dominionists do of creating a theocracy.

  4. Lost in this outstanding version of Wonkville Tonight is that Trump also. despicably, has the evil Dominionists tagging along as well under the Pence banner.

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