16 thoughts on “Hold On To The Flight… Hold On To The Passenger

  1. This was a long time ago but:
    When I flew Thai Airlines on my trip to Nepal early 1990s, their opening "informational" video (projected on the movie screen, yes) segued into a promotion for available beverage/ snack crackers or whatnot; and the video producers had sexxxed it up using Asian actors romancing each other w/ cocktails overlooking sunsets to the backdrop of Marx's "Right Here Waiting For You."
    Because it was my first overseas flight I was super anxious and the song, rather than soothing as its composer might've intended or the transcontinental flight media specialists might've hoped, instead it got stuck in my head for much of the layover in Bangkok and earworm-tortured me on into Katmandu. Richard Marx has been a source of annoyance ever since for me personally — so rather than applaud him upon reading this news item I laughed!

  2. I make my own kimchi these days (because try finding THAT in a little French village), but I didn't know about the dangers of the crazy variety. Still, though, burying it in the ground seems like way too much work to me. A few days on the kitchen counter seems to work well enough, craziness be damned.

  3. Ha! To be accurate, it's probable I bought the album for wedding DJ'ing, which I did with a boyfriend back in the day. The slow songs are a big hit at those kinds of things.

  4. [This one] is prolly too much of a tear-jerker for a wedding song, but it dropped about the time I became single, and everybody would NOT STOP PLAYING it on every jukebox everywhere!

  5. I've pretty much developed an immunity to any songs played at weddings. Photographing 50 weddings a year for 3 years will do that to you…

  6. Yeah, I did a lot of eye-rolling at some of the music we ended up having to play at weddings. My BF at the time had to remind me constantly that it was not about what I wanted to play, though, it was about what the customer wanted to hear. He's right, but it was a little painful sometimes to endure.

  7. Any of these events, I chat with and sympathize with the hired help. I've worked more weddings than I'll ever go to the rest of my life. I worked at a photo studio back in NJ that did very high end weddings. Some of the venues we frequented, the photographers, like the rest of the help, had to use the side door.

    When I got out of grad school and went on job interviews, I was struck that now I was being taken, as a prospective employee, to lunch at places that I would have been at as hired help. Weird.

  8. The one I loved was "every breath you take" either as a wedding march or the first dance song. Uh, folks, that's a song written by a stalker from his POV…

    Once, the wedding march was "Funeral for a Friend" by Sir Elton John, which, since instrumental, I thought fit the occasion pretty well.

  9. We are not too far (maybe 3.5h drive) from there. Lovely area, full of rich people and hippie surfers in the summer and really quiet in the off-season. The coast is amazing, dramatic, rocky, wild all throughout the Basque region.

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