20 thoughts on “Rigged! Fixed! Sad!

  1. Headline pertains to both the article and the fact that smokey and I are playing for Ed Balls' Balls of Glory in the league WE CREATED. Coincidence? I THINK NOT! Sad!

      1. The East Bay loves the As. The As owner is a jerk. I could only imagine what Billy Beane could do with a decent payroll. Hey, even I like the As- if the Bosox are out of it, I'll root for the home team.

        Oh, you mean the Raiders? Who gives a fuck?

  2. So happy that the usually-sports-happy voters of San Diego came to their senses and told Chargers owner Dean Spanos to take his team and send it up to Callyson. There were actually two initiatives on the ballot to shower the sportsballers with money, and both went down ignominiously.

    The gist: Chargers had a deal with the Raiders to build a shared stadium in the refinery town of Carson, CA.

    League told Chargers, "No, but hey, we do give you permission to get down on your knees and grovel for the scraps that fall off Stan Kronke's table at the stadium he's building for the Los Angeles/St Louis/Los Angeles Rams."

    Spanos said, "Nah, I can squeeze the San Diego taxpayers for $500M and build my own playpen."

    Citizens of San Diego said, "Hengngnh, not this time."

    Sweet! Plebiscite democracy sometimes gives a good result!

      1. Every time La Signora Quarantanova complains about one of our many beat-up streets or sidewalks, I say, "Yes but the taxes are low." She gets mad, being a Prop 13 true believer.

        In her native Italy, property taxes are insanely low, but there's a large (15%) transfer tax when you buy or sell.

    1. UGH…your happiness comes at the expense of mine. I suppose having two teams here will increase the odds that I can see my Steelers play live, however, so there's that.

      1. Well not really: you won't have to buy some billionaire a new stadium. And you'll have an AFC team; how often will they play in LA? Once every four years or so?

  3. In order to build Snyder his training camp, the city of Richmond and the Skins conspired to seize land (oh, the irony)


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