Firing squad

Fox News “Reporter” Demands Death Penalty for Mayor Because Sportsball Team is Moving 100 Miles Away

12 thoughts on “Fox News “Reporter” Demands Death Penalty for Mayor Because Sportsball Team is Moving 100 Miles Away

    1. The good citizens of Las Vegas weren't even allowed a vote! Issues of such local import should, naturally, be left up to the State Senate, obviously. The citizenry made it pretty clear they opposed the Raiders, having watched Davis make clowns out of both Oakland and Los Angeles.

        1. My teams, were I a fan, are on the other side of the bay. Or at least Los Gigantes, who actually play in their namesake city.

  1. I was living in St Louis when the football Cardinals moved away. Somehow the city survived, perhaps because of good manufacturing jerbs at McDonnell Douglas and The Brewery, a great orchestra, a distinguished university, affordable housing, etc.

    Then the Rams came and demanded a new stadium and sold "personal seat licenses." Now the Rams are gone and the citizens are still paying for the stupid combined stadium-convention center.

  2. The Chargers kept the italicized LA print that was widely mocked on Twitter Thursday but made the letters yellow set against a sky blue background. The resemblance to UCLA’s colors was quickly noted on social media.

    PSA: you do not want to do a Google Images search for the term "fugly." Trust me on that…

  3. Looking at the uniforms and the photo quality… Philippine Insurrection? Now there's a way Our Boys Made America Great Again…

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