56 thoughts on “Today in Cheeto-Faced Ferret Headed Shitgibbonry

    1. Many years ago, (the 80s) SNL did a sketch that parodied the hard-hitting journalism 60 Minutes did with Martin Short as the embattled company rep being grilled by "Mike Wallace" (played by Harry Shearer?). Anyhoo, at some point, as Short is nervously smoking at his desk, Wallace asks him, "Why are you getting defensive?" Short replies, defensively, "I'm not getting defensive. You're the one being defensive. I'm not defensive, you are." Basically, that.

      Also, I AM NOT YELLING.

    1. I couldn't take more than a few minutes at a time. He sounded like a combination of Idi Amin and Charles Manson, with a little George Constanza stirred in. It's not going to get any more sane from now on, is it?

  1. President Donald Trump said Thursday that he finds questions about whether his administration has incited anti-Semitic acts "insulting" and that he is "the least anti-Semitic person you've ever seen."

    "Sit down," Trump told a reporter during a press conference. "Number one, I am the least anti-Semitic person you've ever seen in your entire life. Number two, racism, the least racist person."

    And since you're willing to send out dog whistles to rile up those who are, who gives a fuck?

    <img src="http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/320/f/d/bitch_please_by_teslapunk-d32znko.jpg"&gt;

    1. I saw that portion. Vomit didn't even let the reporter finish his question. Then he answered a different question about he himself being anti-Semitic, which wasn't (unless I missed something) what the guy was driving at. (He wanted a response to the uptick in anti-Semitic incidents since election day, but, again, he was cut off.) Then Vomit said something like, "See, you said you were going to be nice and you lied." The man was obviously Jewish (wearing a yarmulke) so, yeah, our so-called president, the "least anti-Semitic person evah," called a Jewish man a liar at a press conference.

  2. Also:

    "Some of the signs you’ll see are not put up by the people that love or like Donald Trump. They're put up by the other side and you think it's like playing it straight, no, but you have some of those signs and some of that anger is caused by the other side," he said. "They'll do signs and they'll do drawings that are inappropriate. It won't be my people. It will be the people on the other side to anger people like you."

    "What are you going to do about it?" another reporter asked.

    "I'm working on it," Trump said.

    That doesn't bode well…

  3. Breibart quoting Limbaugh:

    Limbaugh said while the media still won’t warm up to Trump, it was what his supporters wanted to see, which was a willingness to tout his achievements and take on some of the claims from the media.

    “You know it is hard to say — you get caught up in the moment,” Limbaugh said. “But this was one of the most effective press conferences I have ever seen. The press is going to hate him even more after this. Don’t misunderstand. When I say effective, I’m talking about rallying people who voted for him to stay with him. He made a point — ‘What chaos? You’re reporting chaos. We’re not in chaos. We’re a well-oiled machine. We got one of the smoothest running machines in the history of machines. We got one of the best administrations in the history of administrations.'”

    1. "Just ask my national security advisor if you don't believe me. Or this secretary of labor guy. He's around here somewhere, fabulous guy, people are beginning to notice.

  4. Okay so I watched this thing. I actually turned the TV on and it was on a channel being carried right as it was starting and I was like "okay I'll watch this for 3 minutes then get annoyed and look away". Over an hour later and it ended, as I couldn't stop watching the train wreck. Holy shit.

    1. Ladies and gentlemen: the President of the United States, licking his wounds because he thinks the media don't like him.

      In fact it's possible that what he means by "dishonest" media―and they're not perfect, but they don't print or air much disinformation―is that the media types are being dishonest by not showing him that they really, really like him!

    1. !!!!!!!
      Had the same reaction as some in the feed. It took me a couple readings to actually understand what it was they were saying. Like it was Old English or something and I had to go through the words one by one to understand.

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