53 thoughts on “Great Moments in Republican Governance

  1. The caucus believes that to lower those premiums, it's necessary to cut "essential health benefits." Those are types of coverage that insurance companies are required to provide.


    Many of those Freedom Caucus members would also like to eliminate popular provisions, like allowing children to stay on their parents' plans until age 26 and requiring insurance companies to provide plans for those with pre-existing conditions.

    Let us all savor the knowledge that a) The "Freedom Caucus" wants to reinstate the worst of the very insurance crises that the AHA was created to fix in the first place and b) their real problem with this cruel and worthless bill is that it's not cruel and worthless enough.

    EDIT: c): Trump's "dealmaking" with the Freedom Caucus yesterday lost him 10 votes right away and did nothing to stop the slide into 29 -30 against (for the R's – no D will be caught dead voting for this). Trump may be a world-class bullshit artist and grifter but he's an abysmally shitty legislative dealmaker. But you knew that already,

    1. according to Kevin Drum, the Freedumb Caucus also wants an end to the pre existing conditions ban. No standards, no minimums, the right to price anyone with any sort of pre existing condition out of the market- what a swell bill this is turning into

        1. Repeal so we can use all that money for a big fat tax cut for Riches.

          BTW, ignore the pile of dead bodies- sacrifices had to be made

  2. It's a familiar story — Republicans, once again, unable hold their fractious conference together to get enough votes. It happened continually during the Obama presidency. But this is a crucial first test of Trump's and Republicans' ability to govern. It's the first time in a decade that the GOP has control of the House, Senate and White House.

    For many members, this is their first time legislating under a Republican president. That has presented opportunity — and complication. Throw into the mix that Trump did well in many of the Freedom Caucus' members' districts in the presidential election, and you have a complex, intertwined political situation.

    <img src="http://image.cagle.com/169812/1155/169812.png"&gt;

          1. Right. He Has People For That.

            It just occurred to me that we're sending this man to represent us at he NATO Summit in May. With a lot of real adult World Leaders. I'm preemptively embarrassed.

  3. Call it "Romney Syndrome." They say when Mittens was elected gubernor of MA he assembled all the legi leaders in his office, gave them a Power Point presentation of his agenda, and then directed them to go off and develop plans to implement it. They said, "You're not the boss of me!"

  4. "We're certainly trying to get to yes," [Freedom Caucus chair] Meadows said, "but indeed we've made very reasonable requests,

    Goodness knows whenever I think of reasonable ideas, I think of the Freedom Caucus!

    1. good one from scottinnj @ B Juice The GOP wants to (a) cut taxes on the rich and (b) Kick the poors in the balls. What seems easy to me is that look, if you can only do one, you cut taxes for the rich. The rich own the GOP and can say look we’re sorry you can’t kick the poors in the balls, really we are we’d have love [sic] to watch, but look what really matters is please give us all the money. The bill is dying because you want to kick the poors in the balls not because it’s giving us all the money. get your priorities straight!!!</i.

    2. I guess I should have included an example The per-capita allotments to states for elderly and disabled Medicaid enrollees should be increased by CPI-MED +1%
      This is doodly squat, but maybe enough to drive true freedom fighters to vote no.

      1. Well now, my Freedom Caucusing Representative Andy | "Where's my goddamned health insurance?" | Harris is a | solid "No" right now. | His cover being, "This legislation simply won't lower premiums as much as the American people need, and lowering the cost of coverage is my primary goal as Congress and the administration work to repair the healthcare system."

        Right. Good strategy for all the Oldz on fixed incomes in the district, but what what he's not saying to them is the F.C.'s plan on getting there by slaughtering all the regulatory structures and controls on the Insurance industry, open it all up to the free market and let the magic of the Invisible Hand make those benefits appear! Here's your 80 page insurance provider directory, Grandma. Look, these guys in Louisiana are really cheap!

  5. LOL Trump says he'll keep Obamacare in place if the House doesn't pass the GOP bill tomorrow, this is going to come back to bite him so hard.

    1. It's Lose for him any way it breaks. Fail to pass this and lose his last shred of cred as an Alpha Strongman, pass whatever nightmare those lunatics in the House lash together, see it explode in the Senate and piss off the Base while looking like a Loser also.

      Trump and his media lackeys will really need to spin up |The Mighty Wurlitzer | just to try and manage the crash.

      It's entertaining. I'd much rather have a sane and functioning government, but I'll have to live with what I can get.

    2. Didn't he say a week or so ago that he would kill Obamacare if gopcare didn't pass? How else can he blame those lyin' Dems?

  6. Brian Fallon‏Verified account
    @ brianefallon
    Just now, @DanaBashCNN reports WH senior official says Trump has “increasing concerns about how House speaker has handled this process”

    1. @yashar
      Lou Dobbs to Hannity re Paul Ryan: “He is a failure. He has done nothing as Speaker. He is emblematic of many of the failures of Congress”

  7. He'll be cheering himself on as he watches the clip- "look at those babes! They're real winners! Total tens! Look at them pee on me, I look great! And that stream, it's yooge!"

  8. I did put away several crates, next to the canned water and MRE's in the old fallout shelter. I fear that I drastically undercalculated, though, because the burn rate for my stock has been astronomical since November 8th.

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