12 thoughts on “Uh…uh-oh!

  1. Admitting it is half the battle. I've got Photoshop Elements 5.0 (that I won in a raffle) and it's pretty great. A fine freebe open source ( it crosses platforms too) is | Gimp | though it's wonky and has a learning curve. Does everything 'Shop does, though.

  2. I used to use Micrografx Designer and could make it do everything I needed to do. Then it got bought up by Corel and kinda disappeared, and our work moved entirely into ArcGIS for mapping. By that time I was a relative big shot and didn't do direct labor anyway, so I never took the time to learn it.

    Now I'm stuck with Paint and the PowerPoint-like tools of Open Office. Gimp is learning mountain higher than I'm willing to scale to make funneh pix for der Wonkstadt.

  3. I don't know about 'shoop, but I've done my share of trying to build stuff designed by some engineering tech with a cracked copy of autocad. And that's why we have as-builts.

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