Like everything else California can’t do, the reason single-player won’t fly is…Prop 13

7 thoughts on “Like everything else California can’t do, the reason single-player won’t fly is…Prop 13

  1. Yeah…two of the resistance groups with which I'm no longer active had people try to tell me that SB 562 was all set and ready to go. Clearly, it wasn't, as several analyses I've seen have pointed out. But I suppose I'm a corporate Democratic sellout for pointing this out.

    Mind you, I'd love to see single payer happen here. I just want it to be done in a way that, you know, works…

  2. Story Time!

    Not long after the passage of Prop 13, my cousin, then a patrol officer, pulled over a lazily swerving vehicle with a man behind the wheel and a woman passenger. As he walked up to the car, the man and woman were clumsily trading places, and when he got to the driver's-side window they asked what the problem might be, officer. The problem, as it turned out, was that the man, Prop 13 champion, Howard Jarvis, was, in police parlance, shitfaced, for which offence my cousin arrested him, letting the lesser charge of trying to pull a fast one slide, in an act of Cop-Chivalry that left Mrs. Jarvis free to "clear this whole thing up". This didn't deter Mr. Jarvis from inquiring from the back seat of the patrol car, "Do…d'yoou know who I'm mam, you sum ma bish?"

    The sum ma bish did know who he was, but was reasonably certain that the law applied, nonetheless.

    "WRONG!" (In the voice of John McLaughlin. Not that one, the other one.)

    When my cousin arrived at the station for the following shift, Jarvis had of course been released, but in addition, the relevant records had been [redacted] with a giant ink roller and he was told by the watch commander to stick to picking up "real criminals".

    The moral of the story is that Prop 13 sucks.

        1. Of all the reasons to detest teevee-John-McLaughlin, the most salient is that he invented the odious journalists-yacking-with-journalists form of brain candy.

          1. I used to think I was getting something out of that show, and I suffered through some insufferable nutjobs. Monica Crowley is when I finally decided enough was enough and quit watching it.

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