I think how I felt one year ago, & pretty much everyday since. Except for the Women's March & McCain's vote. But now some air, albeit not much. The GOP still trying to give their greedy overlords a windfall bonanza at the price of trillions away from healthcare and towards debt.
From yet another visit to Trump Country, this time in |Po'o|
This reality ought to get the attention of anyone who thinks they will win in 2018 or 2020 by running against Trump’s record. His supporters here, it turns out, are energized by his bombast and his animus more than any actual accomplishments. For them, it’s evidently not what he’s doing so much as it is the people he’s fighting. Trump is simply and unceasingly angry on their behalf, battling the people who vex them the worst—“obstructionist” Democrats, uncooperative establishment Republicans, the media, Black Lives Matter protesters and NFL players (boy oh boy do they hate kneeling NFL players) whom they see as ungrateful, disrespectful millionaires.
I think how I felt one year ago, & pretty much everyday since. Except for the Women's March & McCain's vote. But now some air, albeit not much. The GOP still trying to give their greedy overlords a windfall bonanza at the price of trillions away from healthcare and towards debt.
We finally ARE making America great again, after a year of hell. Now, let's keep it up and sweep the mid terms.
"Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me…"
Ew. Who would?
|even the ceiling is blue|
About time. We've had all-Demo gummint in California since 2010, I think?
Good things will happen
[Even love?]
From yet another visit to Trump Country, this time in |Po'o|
Aw, thanks! Not quite that dedicated, but I am definitely looking forward to next year!