
National Review, of all places, has a stinging takedown of Louise Linton-Mnuchin, “America’s Marie Antoinette”

3 thoughts on “National Review, of all places, has a stinging takedown of Louise Linton-Mnuchin, “America’s Marie Antoinette”

  1. She also published a book, In the Shadow of Congo, a memoir about the semester abroad she spent in “war-torn Zambia,” a tale replete with child soldiers, Hutu–Tutsi ethnic warfare, monsoons, and the general horror of the Congolese war that beset the “angel-haired” (her description of herself) visitor from the United Kingdom. There were many problems with that account, including the fact that the Congolese war wasn’t fought in Zambia, which has in fact never been at war, but if it had been at war, that war wouldn’t have been the Hutu–Tutsi conflict, which happened in Rwanda, which isn’t where Linton was. She was down in Zambia, which does not have the monsoons she claimed to have endured. The book was a gross and embarrassing example of the “white savior” genre, and a particularly illiterate and dishonest one at that. It has been withdrawn from publication.

    Surprised Donald didn't appoint her to something as well, but maybe she's the type that thinks jobs are for little people.

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