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Sure you got gig after your degree from that trust-fund madrassa, but do you have a MEANINGFUL job?

6 thoughts on “Sure you got gig after your degree from that trust-fund madrassa, but do you have a MEANINGFUL job?

  1. "Ms. Golinkin’s help in that regard does not come cheap: She charges $8,000 for 20 hours of sessions, or $400 an hour. But she stands by her process."

    I went into the wrong line of work.

  2. "As for Mr. Ghaffari, he decided to stay in entertainment, and Ms. Golinkin made introductions and guided him into what seemed like a dream job: executive assistant to the film producer Harvey Weinstein."

    What could possibly go wrong?

  3. Mr. Benevento said the problem existed across all demographics of young men. But in more affluent areas, it is driven by several factors, primarily a single-minded emphasis on college as the sole marker of success, he said. This pressure is combined with increased distractions from technology and stress from parents who may not be fully engaged in their children’s lives.

    Yeah, because middle and working class people don't have similar pressures…


  4. Can I edit this and make my own Onion article? Jeez Louise.

    “Catie Ryan graduated from Elon University and wanted to put her sports management degree to work. She found an internship at a nonprofit organization back home in Washington, but was stuck in her quest for a job in her field.”

    “Ande Murray… thought her summer internship working for a company that produced equestrian events was going to lead to a full-time job.”

    “Alex Ghaffari headed west after graduating from Duke University in 2014 to seek a career in entertainment.”

    “I always liked horses. I thought I had a bond with them, and could parlay it into a career,” said Murray, whose bedroom is adorned with her carefully hand-drawn sketches, many from childhood.

    “I didn’t get it,” said Ghaffari. “I was the funniest guy in my high school. My future was bright until I went to college.” Ghaffari minored in Political Science at Duke, as did his urologist father. “Ari Emanuel is “kind of an idol. Shhh, don’t tell my dad.”

    Catie Ryan is less enthusiastic about her future. “I like nonprofit work, but it’s nothing like field hockey. I want to be back, a captain of the team, like I was born to do. There’s no leadership creativity in nonprofits.”

    The three bonded on Instagram, after one of Murray’s drawings went viral. Sketched into the mane of a horse she named ‘Lazarus’, was a simple message, which is also tattooed on her wrist: "Non Equs". Although the Latin word is misspelled, she is fervent: “I don’t want to work in the service industry. I have a degree. What is so difficult about that?” she asks incredulously. "I am not a horse. I don't want to work in a cubicle. Is that wrong?"

    Ryan, Murray, and Ghaffari envisioned the nonprofit MAMAAC— “Millennials Against Mediocre Activity After College”. The hashtag #MAMAAC is gaining traction with disillusioned 18-34 year olds in large debt with mounting loan costs and slim job prospects living at home. “I never thought I’d have any problems making money outside of high school,” said Ghaffari. “This just throws me for a loop.”

    “There are so many people our age that are disgusted with the after-college experience,” explained Murray. We don’t understand. What do you want us to do? We’re traumatized. And we have degrees!”

    When asked if all three were registered to vote, Murray and Ghaffari declined to answer. Ryan said “she’s working on it.”


    I guess I am an old lady that has a knack for producing fake news. : (

  5. Right now, I'm taking a Human Systems Engineering course for summer and the prof uses a curve. All of his tests are pretty damn difficult. I usually get very high B's or low A's prior to the curve. For the last test, I guess a bunch of people voiced their opinions (this wasn't in the book or the lecture!), and he curved it, surprisingly resulting in a grade over 100 for me. (I dutifully spend hours on this stuff every week. I don't know about them.)

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