Our infra seems to be able to deal with heat/cooling stuff, it's rain that fucks-up everything.
Also huge downdrafts from the monsoon storms that will knock shit over 5 miles from where it's raining.
Heat records being broken all week.
Also, now the Big Tease has begun. There will be clouds, there will be rain just South of the border.
Last year's summer rain was the lowest ever I think. We shall see……..
<img src="https://www.mandatory.com/assets/uploads/2017/08/elephant2.gif" width="300" height="300">
They should book him for the next RNC or CPAC gatherings.
Today in "Cracks Me the Fuck Up.: Relevant version
<img src="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/TjlGk1ZEj4c/hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEcCNAFEJQDSFXyq4qpAw4IARUAAIhCGAFwAcABBg==&rs=AOn4CLBEd7q2D8k9mo7DH6NE7vrD_wT78g" width="300" height="300">
Los Angeles Times
Women in South Korea are protesting labor disparities by using an image similar to this
<img src="https://images.emojiterra.com/google/android-10/512px/1f90f.png" width="100" height="100">
emoji to mock the size of men’s pee pees. [ ID don't like the p-word ]
NBC game show "Ultimate Slip ‘N Slide" shut down by "explosive diarrhea"
112° today
Hope y'all can see the screencaps of message conversation
You know what would be the dumb?
Brown-noting an elephant.
Don't judge…………
On the other hand, not much here in the way of mice.
Where's your snakes NOW, Australia? Hmmph!
If you're an enthusiast and lover of the sound and essence of the Hammond B-3 Organ, Then AVOID this CD at all costs
from review by Shiva Me Timbers [ no, really ]
Milk, eggs, fish, and meat
And that's why you go in every six months. You got this!
<img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/pix.iemoji.com/images/emoji/apple/ios-12/256/thumbs-up.png" width="100" height="100">
107° F
Been here or totally new?
Cool. Keep me posted.
If you go to Clarksdale wouldja bring me some mojo, ?
I'm thinkin' pizza.
JFC, where were you?
Lurking in a parking lot?
It's gonna warm up.
It’s mud! Don’t worry, it’s mud.
[ not buyin it ]
effin brids
One job!
Shit , it's cooler there than here.
TBH, it's cooler most places than where you are.
Our infra seems to be able to deal with heat/cooling stuff, it's rain that fucks-up everything.
Also huge downdrafts from the monsoon storms that will knock shit over 5 miles from where it's raining.
Heat records being broken all week.
Also, now the Big Tease has begun. There will be clouds, there will be rain just South of the border.
Last year's summer rain was the lowest ever I think. We shall see……..