123 thoughts on “New Hampshire Primary-who did the pig vote for?

    1. The pig was going to vote for Gilmore, but had a felony conviction so they wouldn't let him vote.

      Disenfranchised! All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

  1. MSNBC: New Hampshire's elected officials are arguing about whether to extend poll hours due to high turnout. We could be all night, folks…

      1. This is when I am grateful as fuck to be three hours behind Eastern time. When I lived back East, election night required a vat of coffee FFS…

        1. I am SURE her proud parents will put up a screenshot soon.

          (Also, she was in close proximity to Joe and Mika, so pray for little Donna Rose's soul.)

        1. Cancel: still searching. (What I initially found was a screenshot of Mika holding a baby at a bar during the NH primary, but it was from 2012, so clearly this is her thing, stealing people's babies during NH primaries.)

  2. \Oh God–the GOP talking head on MSNBC is going on about how we don't talk enough about the similarities between Trump and Sanders. Um, there's a reason for that, dipshit…

  3. David Wasserman 7:48 PM

    At this point, it’s pretty clear from the early results that Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump will win New Hampshire, possibly very convincingly.

  4. From the NYT's updates:

    There aren't many (potential belllwethers) to choose from in New Hampshire, but Hillsborough County will be an interesting test for both Trump and Sanders. It's a fairly affluent county, and it will be an interesting measure of the breadth of their appeal.

    Great, now I have to open another browser tab…

      1. Very awkward situation considering things were getting reported when polls were supposed to close. Not sure what to do in those spots. Probably means a lot less when everything's just proportional delegates though, winning doesn't get you everything in NH.

  5. Republicans-6% in

    Trump 33.0%
    Kasich 17.1%
    Bush 11.9%
    Rubio 10.4%
    Cruz 10.1%
    Christie 8.3%
    Fiorina 4.6%
    Carson 2.0%

      1. Do you think they've noticed yet? They may still be basking in the orange glow of Trump.

        (but seriously they'll be completely awful)

  6. Democrats- 22% reporting

    Sanders 58.3%
    Clinton 39.6%

    Republicans- 19% reporting

    Trump 34.6%
    Kasich 15.9%
    Cruz 11.6%
    Bush 11.5%
    Rubio 9.8%
    Christie 7.5%
    Fiorina 4.3%
    Carson 2.3%

  7. Heard evil genius Frank Luntz the other day reeling off a list of ways Trump is the opposite of Obama:

    • extemporaneous speaker / uses teleprompter
    • hotheaded / measured words
    • unsophisticated macho bluster / elite demeanor
    • politically incorrect / respectful of feelings of minorities

    He had others but didn't include white / black. To his astonishment (and mine), Luntz found that 15 percent of Trump's supporters are black.

    1. 15 percent of Trump's supporters are black.

      Allow me to be racially non-transcendent for a moment:

      "Bling." ("My president's bald and my Lambo's blue…")

      Seriously, Trump is a rich man who meets the average poor person's idea of what "rich" looks like, what they imagine themselves being when they "make it." He may not be Romney rich, but Romney is more humble than Trump (yeah, I said it!).

  8. Yeah, I have to agree with the MSNBC talking heads that Bill losing his cool didn't help Hillz. I hope he pulls himself together moving forward FFS…

  9. And yeah. I'll also agree with the MSNBC talking heads that Madeline Albright's and Gloria Steinem's comments were also not helpful, either for promoting Hillary or promoting feminism FFS…

  10. Democrats- 31%

    Sanders 58.1%
    Clinton 39.8%

    Republicans- 30%

    Trump 33.9%
    Kasich 15.5%
    Bush 11.6%
    Cruz 11.5%
    Rubio 10.4%
    Christie 8.4%
    Fiorina 4.4%
    Carson 2.2%
    Gilmore 0.1%

  11. More from fivethirtyeight.com:


    Prediction markets have Bush’s chances of winning the Republican nomination up by quite a bit. I suppose that makes sense given how poor a night it’s been for Rubio (and to a lesser extent, Christie). But still: Bush has just 11 percent of the vote so far with a third of New Hampshire precincts reporting. This in a state where Bush has invested a ton of time and money and which is a pretty good fit for him ideologically. If Rubio hadn’t disappointed so much by comparison, this result would look like a pretty big failure for Bush.

    Hee hee hee…

  12. Interesting note on 538:

    Harry Enten 9:28 PM

    Perhaps it shouldn’t be too surprising given Sanders’s lack of history with the Democratic Party, but he is doing far better with undeclared voters than he is with registered Democrats. Although he leads 72 percent to 27 percent over Clinton among undeclared voters, Sanders is tied with Clinton at 49 percent among registered Democrats.

    Probably not surprising considering he's running on being a revolution.

  13. Democrats- 40%

    Sanders 59.0%
    Clinton 38.3%


    Trump 33.9%
    Kasich 15.6%
    Cruz 11.8%
    Bush 11.5%
    Rubio 10.5%
    Christie 8.1%
    Fiorina 4.4%
    Carson 2.3%

  14. If that Democratic margin stays over 20% that's a big night for Bernie. He was polling up by 17 in the state going into the night.

  15. My dogs, who were silent for both Hillary and Bernie, are starting to bark now that The Donald is on. I may have to give them a treat, or a sedative…

  16. Meanwhile, from fivethirtyeight.com :

    If you’re wondering who is going to come in third on the Republican side, you’re not alone. I have no idea, to be honest. Right now, Bush, Cruz and Rubio are all within 1.2 percentage points of one another, with many votes to be counted. It should be noted that none of them is above 12 percent right now, though Cruz leads, with Rubio in fifth.

    Long night gets longer…

  17. Republicans-51%

    Trump 33.7%
    Kasich 16.3%
    Cruz 11.6%
    Bush 11.3%
    Rubio 10.5%
    Christie 7.9%
    Fiorina 4.4%
    Carson 2.3%
    Gilmore 0.1%

  18. Kasich: "The light overcame the dark!" (or something like that) He does realize he finished a distant second behind The Donald, right?

  19. Nicholas Confessore
    10:18 pm ET

    Fox cuts away from Kasich, who placed second, to Rubio, who placed fifth. Interesting choice.

      1. I once got in an argument with a friend by saying the The Onion was the most honest newspaper in the country. "But it's a fake newspaper!" friend says. Me: "Yeah, but you just know every 'Area Man…' story has happened somewhere!"

  20. I'm surprised that Jeb? is beating Christie in NH (up by over 6,000 votes, 2 percentage points with about 65% reporting). I would have thought Christie's take down of Bleep Blorp in the debate would have given him better results. CNN is reporting that Christie is going home to NJ to "take a break."

  21. Democrats-70% in

    Sanders 59.8%
    Clinton 38.5%

    Republicans-69% in

    Trump 34.3%
    Kasich 16.3%
    Cruz 11.5%
    Bush 11.2%
    Rubio 10.5%
    Christie 7.6%
    Fiorina 4.3%
    Carson 2.3%
    Gilmore 0.1%

  22. AP delegate update for Republicans: Trump 10, Kasich 3, Cruz 2, Bush 2. Note that Rubio is guaranteed at least 1 if he can stay above 10%.

  23. Last I'm doing for the night


    Sanders 59.7%
    Clinton 38.7%


    Trump 35.2%
    Kasich 15.9%
    Cruz 11.5%
    Bush 11.1%
    Rubio 10.5%
    Christie 7.6%
    Fiorina 4.2%
    Carson 2.3%

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