11 thoughts on “Another visit to McMansion Hell

      1. Yesterday watched some of 60 Minutes with them [otherwise,…..not me ] So the first story was ransom for hostages and I was waiting for a comment about how Barack is a monster for keeping the policy that Reagan introduced They were mum .
        Also story on AI drones and stuff. and Planet 9.

    1. The Foreigns don't have empties strewn all over the yard. Curious. Where's the Trans Camaro on blocks? The "Beware of Dog" sign on the wide-open gate?

      Truly these people do not know how to be Great.

  1. The front page post is interesting, it's about kit homes. I see a lot of that architechture in the older buildings in the Oakland and Berkeley flats

    1. Notice that every example of a kit house has a front porch. These were a useful social amenity, in that if you sat on your front porch and your neighbors walked by, you could speak with them or not, as you chose. In the east and midwest, such porches would be screened and were a delightful place to escape summer heat.

      Of course that kind of semi-public space was only sociologically useful so long as people walked anywhere other than to their cars.

      1. "Front porches" are those things you can't be standing on while the storm door is opened. This requires an intricate dance if you want to knock on the real door because I'm pretty sure those wireless doorbells come with dead batteries pre-installed for the purchaser's convenience.

        (For those not "in the know," a "storm door" is an amenity for those who prefer natural light over affordable HVAC.)

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