
This is unsettling: ‘If the public knew what Congress knows’ they would boycott the inauguration too

19 thoughts on “This is unsettling: ‘If the public knew what Congress knows’ they would boycott the inauguration too

  1. The dems lost the election, at least the electoral part of it. Time to get outside of our bubble and make sure we don't lose the next one. You can't change the past, but we can sure as hell change the future.

  2. My congressman Scott Peters (CA-52, very swing-y) courageously and flexibly found a way to straddle even this issue: he's attending, but he won't have any |fun.|

    1. Meh, was the 9/11 panel a "success" by any measure? It created a new "Director of National Intelligence" position whose occupant gets to come in late, take long lunches and go home early because no one who's actually doing any intelligence gathering tells him about it. They issued a report that described the 9/11 attack in exquisite detail and affixed blame on no one*. And we're still having horrifying terrorist attacks in the US.
      *Why didn't Shrub do anything about the famous "Bin Laden determined to strike" memo? Why wasn't the Air National Guard able to shoot down any of the airliners?

      1. And we're still having horrifying terrorist attacks in the US.

        The 9/11 Commission did not concern itself with white supremacists, right wing militias, Sovereign Citizens or "pro-life" medical facility bombers.

        1. Too bad Feynman was dead, they could have put him on the 9/11 commission and maybe gotten some real investigation out of it, like the Challenger disaster commission.

      2. Well, it got some information to the public, so there's that. Agreed that the panel to investigate this crap needs more teeth, however.

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